Sentences with phrase «stakes decisions based»

He and two other researchers recently published a paper questioning the practice, titled «The Legal Consequences of Mandating High Stakes Decisions Based on Low Quality Information: Teacher Evaluation in the Race - to - the - Top Era.»
«You can't make high - stakes decisions based on measurements that can actually be wrong in the wrong direction,» Yeager says.
At the end of January, Dr. Baker and two colleagues released a paper entitled «The Legal Consequences of Mandating High Stakes Decisions Based on Low Quality Information.»

Not exact matches

Based upon this information, you can form a more complete picture of what's at stake, and then make your decisions from there.
= > When two lives are at stake, Doctors make triage decisions all the time based on the odds of survival.
The online website offers New Yorkers the ability to write a message directly to the Governor to respect the rights of parents to make important decisions on the educational future of their children and enable parents to have their children refuse to take the high stakes Common Core - based standardized tests.
Texas was studied in the issue paper because the state exemplifies a national trend toward using statewide exams as a basis for high - stakes educational decisions.
Most tests gaining attention today are achievement tests, including those commonly referred to as «high stakes,» meaning that crucial decisions are made about a student, teacher, or school based on the results of the test.
The bottom line here, then, is that those in charge of making consequential decisions about teachers, as based even if in part on teachers» value - added estimates, need to be cautious when making particularly high - stakes decisions about teachers as based on said estimates.
Data - driven decision - making within a professional learning community: Assessing the predictive qualities of curriculum - based measurements to a high - stakes, state test of reading achievement at the elementary level.
The economics - based approach, however, focuses on so - called summative performance measures that evaluators use to make high - stakes decisions about teachers» salaries and careers.
TEA expects this to be the first of many TVAAS lawsuits across the state as more and more high - stakes decisions are tied to standardized test scores and TVAAS estimates based on those scores.
When summary, or summative decisions are to be made as based on these data, regardless of whether low or high - stakes are attached to the decision, this is where things really go awry.
This is because, «[in] effect... states have been running in place» (p. 2) and not using teachers» primarily test - based indicators for high - stakes decision - making.
Department of Public Instruction spokesman Tom McCarthy said in an email that Evers does not support the request, but added «we've never supported high - stakes decisions being made based on the results of standardized tests alone.»
School districts continue to make high - stakes decisions about teacher performance based on how well students perform on state mandated...
And she wants to lead a campaign against high - stakes decision - making based on test scores at the same time she firms up her union's support of the Common Core.
However, high stakes decisions involving tracking, grade promotion, admission to dual - credit courses and graduation based on a single testing event present major educational and motivational challenges.
This is particularly pertinent when high - stakes decisions are to be based on (or in large part on) such scores, especially given some researchers are calling for reliability coefficients of.85 or higher to make such decisions (Haertel, 2013; Wasserman & Bracken, 2003).
Likewise, relying on the extant research on this topic, the overall conclusion can be broadened in that neither SGP - or VAM - based growth scores may be sufficiently stable to support high - stakes decisions.
While authors recommend that states also control for this statistically, I would default to reality whereas districts interpreting and using these data should certainly keep this in mind, especially if they are set to make high - stakes decisions as based on these, yet another set of still faulty data;
All three families / foundations fund a plethora of organizations, all of which endorse, promote or in some way support one or more of the following public school reforms: charter schools, vouchers, data - based decision making, high - stakes testing, parental choice, merit pay, eliminating tenure, union busting, and superintendent training.
To facilitate such examination, this brief reviews credible research exploring: the feasibility of combining formative assessment (a basis for professional growth) and summative assessment (a basis for high - stakes decisions like dismissal); the various tools that might be used to gather evidence of teacher effectiveness; and the various stakeholders who might play a role in a teacher assessment system.
Money for vital programs serving children in high poverty schools should never be cut based on a test that was not designed to be used for high stakes decisions.
And lead a campaign against high - stakes decision - making based on test scores at the same time she firms up her union's support of the Common Core.
Given the experience to date with an overwhelming focus on student achievement scores as a basis for high - stakes decisions, policymakers would do well to pause and carefully examine the issues that make teacher assessment so complex before implementing an assessment plan.
The diverse array of school reformers that believes public education is broken beyond repair have created a shopping list of reforms / solutions that includes the following concepts: charter schools, vouchers, data - based decision making, high - stakes testing, parental choice, merit pay, eliminating tenure, union busting, and Common Core standards.
However, the report notes that value - added estimates should never be used as the sole basis for informing high - stakes decisions about individual teachers.
Early childhood experts have questioned the competition's emphasis on assessment, fearing it could lead to high - stakes testing of young children, make unfair employment decisions for early educators based on test results, and detract from the importance of play and exploratory learning.
The research base is currently insufficient to support the use of VAM for high - stakes decisions about individual teachers or schools.
Hence, «When a public agency adopts a policy of making high stakes employment decisions based on secret algorithms incompatible with minimum due process, the proper remedy is to overturn the policy.»
Here in California, the SBAC assessments have been carefully examined by independent examiners of the test content who concluded that they lack validity, reliability, and fairness, and should not be administered, much less be considered a basis for high - stakes decision making.»
But for the purposes for which teacher - level value - added is currently being used, correlations above r = +.70 / r = +.80 would (and should) be most desired, and possibly required before high - stakes decisions about teachers are to be made as based on these data.
Therefore, I continue to view my DCP: ID stake as an attractive long - term holding, but once we have details of the board's plan I'll still be making a last minute decision based on all the facts & figures at the time.
The lives of millions of dogs are at stake, based on your decisions and mine.
This argument, which is also motivated by a sense of justice, suggests that the expert - based composition will be conducive to decisions that would maximize the benefits to those whose interests are at stake.
They have an enormous stake in the ability of the courts to render decisions based on the law, without interference by other branches of government.
While a settlement between these companies is fairly likely to happen before a judicial decision, Ericsson, based on its behavior, may be the most demanding one of the major wireless patent holders and Apple has a lot at stake here financially just because of its huge revenues.
The decisions in Brar and in Abetew make it very clear that in Manitoba, at least, where an individual's livelihood is at stake on the basis of a tribunal's licensing decision, the principles of procedural fairness require that written reasons be provided.
In particular, decentralized governance models based on proof - of - stake mechanisms may easily lead to discriminatory forms of plutocracy (rule - by - the - rich), where decisions are made based on the quantity of digital tokens stakeholders hold in the platform.
Those users that have staked their coins also have the benefit of being participants in any community based decisions around development.
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