Sentences with phrase «stand keeping your chest up»

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Of course, there's a time and place to stand up and tell the world about them, but sometimes you've got ta keep those babies close to your chest for a while.
Keep your core engaged and chest lifted as you lunge down, then press back up through your standing heel to rise.
Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keep your chest up, and hold a barbell in both hands across...
Stand with feet a bit further than shoulder width apart, bending knees slightly and keeping your chest up.
Keeping your lower back flat and chest forward, push through your heels to extend your hips and stand back up with the ball.
With kettlebell hanging between your legs, use your arms as a pendulum, and swing the bell to chest - to - eye level by thrusting with your hips while keeping your core tight as you stand up straight.
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