Sentences with phrase «standard calls on»

The standards call on teachers to work toward a deeper conceptual understanding and to foster mathematical reasoning.

Not exact matches

The operations «fell short» of Suncor standards, Williams said on the call, adding, «We need to do better and, be assured, we will.»
Standard treatment calls for a cut to a ligament in the palm to relieve the pressure on the nerve.
On Tuesday, Facebook announced a new set of community standards and a revamped appeals process, which Zuckerberg called a «first step in this direction is creating full transparency about our current rules and how we enforce them.»
When I read up on it, the standard answer was ads, cold calling and PR.
This is important during the age of what some call «dark social,» Moretti says, in which links are shared via email and chat applications but don't show up on standard analytics dashboards.
Meanwhile, Silicon Labs, Atmel, Broadcom, Dell, Intel and Samsung have collaborated on the Open Interconnect Consortium, while Haier, LG, Panasonic, Qualcomm and Microsoft are backing a standard called AllJoyn.
The study, just published in Science, showed that the creation of what the researchers are calling microtumors can help predict drug effectiveness in cancer patients better than the current standard method of testing the drugs on rodents.
Within two weeks they had already given up on the weekly updates and started giving me the standard excuses such as «we pitched them yesterday, it would be offensive to call them again today.»
A coalition of adverse forces seemed allied against Foster's determination and high hopes: (1) there was potential for a strike, should Foster balk at union demands; (2) 1983 might have proved not even close to the bottom of the recession for heavy machinery; (3) who knew what EPA standards the former owner had let slide, that the new one might be called on to correct?
Google launched its twist on Facebook's Instant Articles feature today — an open standard for delivering mobile web pages faster for publishers of all kinds, which the company is calling «Accelerated Mobile Pages» or AMP.
The network will be based on so - called combined charging system (CCS) technology, enhancing existing AC and DC charging standards and allowing for ultra-fast power levels of up to 350 kilowatt hours.
Another negative effect of the sequester on Redhorse has been the mandate that the government put many of its procurements up for bid under a standard called lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA), which as its name suggests, basically means the lowest price possible.
The company offers two types of funds — a standard basket of mutual funds, as well as a single mutual fund focused on sustainable investing, called the Aspiration Redwood Fund.
But all the things that would cost thousands extra to integrate with a regular phone system, such as voice mail, automated attendants, unified messaging, and call forwarding, are standard on a PC - based phone system.
New York Times Washington correspondent David Sanger called Trump's climate decision a «strategic gift to the Chinese, who are eager to fill the void that Washington is leaving around the world on everything from setting the rules of trade and environmental standards to financing the infrastructure projects that give Beijing vast influence.»
Incremental Unicorn round — You might also be called on simply to pump more capital into a standard Unicorn round.
ACT / The App Association, which represents about 5,000 app outfits, signed the letter and posted a link to the document on its web site, along with a blog post elaborating on what it calls «the growing danger of standards essential patent abuse.»
So I dug through a different database, the Federal Reserve's 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances, which Pfeffer calls the «gold standard» of data on American wealth.
The proposal calls for a best interest standard and calls on brokers to establish policies and procedures to identify and avoid conflicts.
Asked about the perceived insults, Sanders told reporters aboard Air Force One on the flight home to Washington that it was «pretty standard tactics» for Trump not to call out staff members in his remarks.
Some German business groups have begun calling for Europe to use the dispute with the United States to reopen negotiations about a broad trade agreement that would largely eliminate tariffs and reduce regulatory impediments, for example by agreeing on common safety standards for cars.
Dale Brown, FSI's president and CEO, stated on the call that FSI, as well as the other groups joining the suit, «has supported a uniform fiduciary standard since 2009 — before Dodd - Frank became law... but the Department of Labor's complex and unworkable rule will only harm the smaller investors it claims to protect.»
On Sept. 19, following PDVSA's initial proposal, Standard & Poor's lowered the company's credit rating to CC from CCC, calling the one - for - one swap offer a «distressed exchange.»
And while construction loan terms depend on the amount of money being issued and the scope of the project, so - called 3 -1-1 loans — those with three - year terms plus two one - year options to renew — are the standard.
The new token, released by OKEx, called OKB and was originally based on the ERC - 20 standard.
«We were both medium - sized asset managers... we recognized mutual strengths, complementarity that will create an asset management powerhouse,» Standard Life Chief Executive Keith Skeoch told reporters on a news conference call.
In addition to the standard promise to repay the loan (called a promissory note), the bank will also likely require that the business owners sign personal guarantees — meaning that you, as an individual, will be on the hook to pay back the loan even if the business fails.
These are standard rockets, which were called Katyushas when Israel was fighting on its northern border.
But many experts interviewed by CNBC dismissed Trump's calls for extreme tariffs — 35 percent on Ford vehicles from Mexico and 45 percent on Chinese goods — saying they strained credulity, even by campaign - promise standards.
The marquee name that once called itself «The Standard of the World» and for decades defined American - style luxury automobiles with its large, spacious cars, was outshined by competition on its home turf.
We're thinking about the time Wall Street banks colluded on rigging prices on the Nasdaq market; or the time they rigged their research departments and told us to buy stocks that they were secretly callings dogs and crap; or the time they got S&P and Moody's to give them triple - A ratings on subprime pools of debt while keeping it a secret that they had internal reports showing the loans didn't meet their origination standards — and then they went out and secretly shorted that debt while continuing to sell it to their customers as a good investment.
First, you click on the tab of the type of trade you would like to make; the standard is the high / low (call / put) The site basically walks you through it after this.
In this magazine, the novelist Randy Boyagoda has called on Catholics to «continue to have faith in fiction» and to stop relying on the old standard bearers such as Flannery O'Connor and Walker Percy.
Widely affirmed proposals call for the restructure of low - performing schools, more emphasis on the basics, safer classrooms, more rigorous graduation standards, periodic measurement of progress through some kind of standardized tests, longer days and year - round schooling, decentralization into smaller learning communities and greater freedom for those smaller units, smaller classes, better - qualified teachers and improved salaries, more parental input and more equitable funding.
The conventional literary - critical judgment that the following verses (17 - 19) were not part of the original unit is doubtless correct, but the standard critical conclusions on vs. 16 — fragmentary, a corrupt text, distorted in transmission, et cetera — result from the failure to recognize the difference in form and the functional relationship between Scheltrede and Drohwort, the deliberated and composed invective called forth by the received Word, the divine threat or judgment.
On the other hand, to avoid a constant succession of agonizing decisions, for the sake of consistency, and to keep ourselves honest and faithful in the face of constant temptation, a standard or system seems called for.
But (conjecture on my part) any moral standard acceptable to almost anyone would call such acts evil.
obama got osama and got us out of iraq, he dropped the unemployement rate and worked hard to keep families out of being homeless, he called the banks out on their shady foreclosure practices and attempted to place standards on wall street again to reduce risk of another fiscal collapse.
From this perspective, the modern assault on sex standards in the name of freedom (more properly called license) presents a major threat to individual and social welfare, for it justifies and confirms sensual satisfaction as the regulating principle of life.
It's that living under law thing that kills us (the Spirit gives life but the letter kills), trying to live up to standards and rules, principles and guidelines, etc... The church these days has pretty much no idea what grace even is, and if you start talking about God's love, I mean his real love based only on Christ's merit, people call you a heretic.
CNN, I don't usually call you out on poor journalistic standards, but this is sort of glaring.
African - American Muslims I spoke with consistently explained Islam's appeal in terms of four benefits: a new sense of personal empowerment; a rigorous call to discipline; an emphasis on family structure and values; and a clear standard of moral behavior.
This means having standards and expectations and calling on each other to meet those as you sharpen one another in love.
This final part of Griffin's argument for the process theodicy turns on an assumption that he appears to have borrowed by Hartshorne, viz., that the so - called «social view» of omnipotence is the only alternative to the monopolistic (and thus to the standard) view.9 The critique of the latter thus established the former as (in Griffin's words) «the only view that is coherent if one is talking about the power a being with the greatest conceivable amount of power could have over a created, i.e. an actual world» (GPE 269).
He warns of the real danger of dialogue leading to the dilution of confessional standards, leveling out all genuine differences, doctrinal minimalism, or what he calls common denominator ecumenicity, all of which have resulted in darkening the light of truth such that «believers do not even know at what points they are really one, to say nothing of the points on which they are divided.»
But, when we turn around and apply the standards that we used to call this man's faith «delusion» on all other religious faiths, we run into problems.
The systematic interpretation of this total experience — what the speaker on this subject called «comprehensive coherence» — should then become the best standard for the authority of the Christian faith.
Both so called Christians and Islam, in fact, all religion has been the cause of many wars and troubles... could it be that there is just One God and one book, just like there is on Father and one set of standards, Hey, I researched religion for 4 years and then found the truth... these were the three questions I asked myself: If there is a God, would he support wars?
Supernovae: For distances between galaxies, scientists measure the brightness of supernovae based on the mathematical formulae used to determine brightness as measured by distance, called «The Standard Candle».
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