Sentences with phrase «start lowering the bar»

Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then start lowering the bar again.
Then, inhale, bend your elbows and start lowering the bar to the level of your forhead.
-- Inhale deeply and start lowering the bar to the sternum which is exactly at the pecs» bottom edge and tuck the elbows at around 45 degrees to the sides.

Not exact matches

In bringing together two collections of strangers for a low - pressure evening, start - up Grouper aims to disrupt the bar scene and one - on - one dating.
The bar for company perks is pretty low when you first start working.
If you have basic mowing, pruning, and lawn maintenance skills, you'll likely find that the bar to entry for starting a landscaping business is fairly low.
Wealthfront has lowered the bar so that anybody with 5 minutes of initiative can get started.
This is important, and it's one of the myths I mentioned at the start of this lesson; you don't always have to draw your S / R levels exactly at a bar high or low.
It was actually a better start from Tillman than i expected (yes, low bar).
You start by doing one rep, and every time you lower the bar to touch your chest your partners each remove a 10 pound plate from their respective sides.
Being better off than we thought we would be at the start of season halway through is not enough for a huge club like us that has the resources we have.Fair enough standards have been lowered, by Wenger and the board by the way, but Im pretty sure you wont have gooners fans in a bar saying in five years; «remember the season we thought wed struggle for fourth but we were top in January?»
There are nine adjustable positions for the cushioned handle bar, starting from 34.5 - inches at the lowest setting and towering at 48 - inches on setting it at the top most position.
For the 15 - year period starting in 1927, surface temperature is lower in 110 of the 114 model simulations (brown bars in the left graph below) than in the real - world (black line).
Keeping your core tight, lower the bar towards your chest, then push it back to the starting position using your chest muscles.
Start with an upright position on the dip bars, then lower your body (while keeping the elbows close to it).
Lift the bar above your head until your arms are straight, then take a deep breath and start slowly lowering it down in a controlled fashion in front of you until it reaches just above your collar bone.
Return to the start, bringing your chest to the bar, then lower yourself to a dead hang and repeat.
If you want to further increase the tension on the triceps, start with the bar positioned over your forhead, then lower it in an arch and bring it over and behind your head.
Unrack the bar by locking out your elbows and start lowering it down towards your chest.
Squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the movement, hold for a second then start slowly lowering the bar again.
What this means is it takes you 1 second to lower the bar, zero seconds holding it at the bottom (basically reversing directions immediately), taking 1 second to press it back up, and then holding it in the the starting position for 2 seconds before you start your next rep.
Carefully lower the bar to starting position.
Hold the top position for a second, then slowly lower the bar down to the starting position.
Lower the bar under control back to the starting position as you exhale and repeat.
Lower the bar slowly to the starting position.
Start out by setting the bar up in a squat cage with one of the pins slightly lower than the other.
Lower the bar slowly to the starting position in a controlled manner and begin the next repetition.
«Technique» bars are hollow or aluminum and a good choice for sticking with olympic weights but at a low starting weight as low as 10 lbs.
Take a wider than shoulder width grip (About six inches wider each side is good but experiment until you find a distance that is comfortable) then with your arms fully extended pull yourself up until your chin is roughly level with the bar, hold the position for a second and then lower yourself back down to the starting position.
Body bars start as low as 9 pounds and go up to over 20 pounds.
From there take a deep breath and slowly pull yourself up until your chin is a couple of inches passed the bar and then lower yourself back down to the starting position breathing out as you do so.
Since starting my low sugar diet in January, I had given up KIND bars; the ones I was eating had way too much sugar.
Technique: Lower bar to chest (keeping elbows out), pause at bottom, then return to start.
It's so easy to just grab a granola bar and La Croix heading into a meeting, but trying to start going low - carb and low - sugar, and I'd love some advice!
Press bar to arms» length above your shoulders, lock your shoulders and lower bar to eyebrows by bending arms at elbows, and return to start.
On a FLAT bench (the exercise is actually LESS effective using an incline bench), with a MEDIUM grip, and starting from the up position, SLOWLY lower the bar (or dumbbells) to neck level, keeping your elbows pointing out AWAY from the body.
For example, if you were doing pull ups, and could not achieve the final repetition, try performing a negative, where you start at the top, with your chin at the bar and slowly lower yourself down as slow as you can.
If you're stronger, you can start with a lower bar.
In this version, lower the bar to lower chest area and pause for a second at the bottom movement before pushing it back to the starting position.
Start with your chin over the pull up bar and lower yourself over a 5 count.
Always start the movement by leaning forward from your hips, pushing your glutes back and maintaining the arch in your lower back as you guide the bar down the front of your legs until it comes to about mid-shin.
Hold for a second and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
In the next phase, you're going to start at the top and lower the bar to just above the sticking point (which is usually 90 degrees of elbow flexion).
The reason you'd want to use the rack is, because you're using smaller plates, the bar will start too low to the ground and you'll need to lean over too much to the side to pick it up.
Now lower the bar slowly back to the starting position on a two second count.
STARTING POSITION: Attach a short straight bar to the low cable.
For bench press, you may have to unrack and rack the bar too low, with your elbows bent like you're starting partway through a rep. Or you may try to unrack and rack the bar too high.
Stand in the starting position, lower the bar down until you barely touch the stop bars, and then explode back up, exhaling as you finish.
The point is that you will again lower the barbell slowly until you reach the stop bars, and then explode back up to your starting position.
Scenario 1, you do a regular Bench Press, you are lying on a bench, start with the arms extended, lower the bar to your chest and press the bar back up.
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