Sentences with phrase «still entertaining the idea»

Naaman still entertains the ideas of his age, but he bends and subjugates them in the presence of the true God.

Not exact matches

Derived senses of fruitful exchange, of reciprocal sustenance, of welcome offered, of grasp and interrelationship, of a slender span of bilateral attention along which things are given and received, still animate the word in its verb form: we entertain visitors, guests, ideas, prospects, theories, doubts and grudges.
They said that if I entertained the hope that those without access to the gospel might still be loved and saved by God, I would fall prey to the dangerous idea that God loves everyone, that there is nothing God won't do to reconcile all things to Himself.
If you are hosting your own Garden Party and still looking for final touches, theme ideas or entertaining questions in general, comment below and I am happy to provide a few tips!
Take these simple ideas and three menu options to make it easy and relaxing, yet still entertaining and delicious.
Despite the lack of new ideas the game is still very entertaining and the plot maintains the high standard set by the first game.
Still, it's not quite as bad an idea as it sounds, and the movie is passably entertaining.
Don't get me wrong, just because the idea isn't that original, the story is still entertaining and I was paying attention the entire way.
It may not have quite stuck the landing, but Alex Garland's Ex Machina was still one of the more entertaining sci - fi films of recent years, full of heady ideas and indelible performances.
Lack of innovation might help tire us of a great idea, but even without being a new experience, there's still a lot to this game that entertains and offers a fun experience to anyone who tries it.
I still stare at it, amazed and entertained, but dwarfed by the very idea of attempting to untangle the crow's nest that has formed through the film's ever - expanding histories.
Sounding like the kind of wacky idea people get when they are still awake in the wee small hours of the morning, it is one of the most purely entertaining films released in recent years.
I like parts of the show and the idea of it but overall it is still entertaining.
Clooney has proved — notably with 2005's «Good Night and Good Luck» — that, as a director, he can be very adept at exploring big ideas while still entertaining his audience.
In this instalment, Lindsay explores the idea that evil as an entity has existed since the beginning of time, and touches on the ancient god Moloch and demonic possession, all the while giving his characters snappy repartee, Dexter an entertaining inner monologue and still managing a bit of D alliteration.
Still, there is no denying that meeting set criteria for an unsecured loan is essential before any lender will entertain the idea of approving the loan.
For now, I'm still entirely too fond of my Jeep to even entertain the idea of my future goats tap dancing on the hood.
Poop is still a pretty entertaining idea.
Genius idea, yet so simple: it won't annoy those who are only after the «art» while still providing entertaining fodder for the ravenous public.
It's a fab idea if you're short on space but still want an area to entertain friends and family.
It's a good idea if you're short on space but still want an area to entertain friends and family.
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