Sentences with phrase «stimulating egg production»

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Fertility treatment typically refers to medications that stimulate egg or sperm production, or procedures that involve the handling of eggs, sperm, or embryos.
Medications are given to suppress the menstrual cycle, and ovarian stimulating medications are given to stimulate the production of eggs.Most of these medications are injections that are self - administered for two - four weeks (this can vary) until the egg retrieval.
Modern chickens carry a version of the thyroid - stimulating hormone receptor gene, TSHR, that has been linked to several domesticated chicken characteristics: year - round egg laying, faster egg production at sexual maturity, reduced aggression toward other chickens and less fear of people.
Such women are given hormone treatments to stimulate the production of eggs, which are then removed and fertilised with sperm in a lab.
University of California researchers found that levels of hormones estradiol and follicle stimulating hormone, which triggers production of eggs, can predict the onset of «the change's» ancillary symptoms a year before they strike.
In a normal cycle, the release of an egg from the ovaries stimulates the body's production of progesterone, the female hormone most responsible for keeping periods regular.
stimulating production of thick cervical mucus, which prevents sperm survival and ability to travel to a ripe egg in the fallopian tube in the event that ovulation does occur;
All these different drugs may be used uhm — but the goal is kinda the same — stimulate, you know, egg production, enhance ovulation, help hold onto uhm — progesterone levels so the eggs stick better.
Animal protein appears to stimulate IGF - 1 production whether it's the muscle proteins in meat, the egg - white protein in eggs, or the milk proteins in dairy.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)-- FSH stimulates the production of eggs and sperm and is often measured to evaluate infertility, abnormal menstruation, and is an indicator of menopause.
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