Sentences with phrase «stolen generations people»

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We are very kind, respectable, loving and honest people.Im a good mother, have a trying at times but great son who respects me and understands im his mother not his bff, And in my opinion the problem is ppl who do nt understand why god wants us to correct our children by not sparingthe rod... sure, some moms do nt wan na be the bad guy and «spank» bc god forbid their kid grows up to be violent - yet today most of society refuses to spank - and yet today we live in a world filled with so much murder, stealing, and crimes that i honestly believe if they had parents following gods word and disciplining like they did back in the day when older generations knew what they were doing we would live in a better world.
In light of that, the only person who «stole» the previously shared resource was the first guy who claimed ownership of that resource, more likely than not many generations ago.
I can't think of what's more nasty than leaving whole generations in an astonishingly perilous state - from our young people who'll have to bear the burden of the financial bailout to the retired and about to retire who've had their pensions firstly stolen by Brown and now decimated by his failed policies.
The hunt is on to find a new generation of people with the skills to battle the darkest elements of the online realm — the hackers who seize government secrets, anonymous activists bent on causing mayhem, and criminals stealing credit cards.
On 7 August 1878, a man named Oo - pie - too - kah - han - up - ee - weyin, also referred to in the court file as «The Pondmaker» swore an Information accusing another man of stealing his horse.1 «The Pondmaker» of this court case was surely the man now known to us as Poundmaker (Pihtokahanapiwiyin), headman of the River People, spokesperson at Treaty 6 negotiations, one of the most prominent First Nations leaders of his generation, and one of the chiefs convicted of treason - felony in 1885 and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.2
On behalf of the New South Wales Police Service, I offer a sincere apology to members of the «stolen generations» and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for the prominent role that police played in enforcing past unjust laws.
The New South Wales Police Commissioner, Peter Ryan, officially apologised on 23 May 1998 to members of the stolen generation and all Indigenous people for «the prominent role the police played in enforcing past unjust laws».
Whether particular groups of Indigenous peoples should be directly represented on the national body's structure (eg stolen generations, traditional owners, Torres Strait Islanders or youth);
Myths about government handouts and «special treatment» for Aboriginal people have fed into the argument that compensation to the stolen generations would be «divisive».
Difficulty in successfully representing a wide diversity of Indigenous concerns — from urban to remote communities; women, young people, stolen generation members etc.;
There are Indigenous people removed from their families and communities in circumstances which fall outside the Inquiry's terms of reference, but their experiences were similar to those of the stolen generations.
Truly representative of a diverse Indigenous polity (ensuring participation of different groups of Indigenous people including stolen generations, traditional owners, Torres Strait Islanders, youth and women for example).
In mid-August 2001, approximately 250 people attended a two - day conference, Moving forward - Achieving reparations for the stolen generations, at the University of New South Wales.
Today the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council acknowledges our Church's part in these events and offers the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and especially the «stolen generation», our sincere regret.
I have seen the mental service decay due the fact the aboriginal who studied and gained their mental health diploma have not returned to to their country but have been headhunted by other health services, this is a constant with our people gaining certification (different type of stolen generation) also aboriginal health service (AMS) are paying below wage for the workers who do not the right certifications so the minimum rate is applied.
While the apology should be specific to stolen generations, it should also affirm the commitment of the federal Parliament to partnerships with Indigenous peoples and to continuing to work to address the legacy of the stolen generations.
As I think some of the speakers commented yesterday - the needs of the stolen generations and their communities are too pressing for people to wait for governments to lead the way.
One of their guest speakers, Andrew Jackomos, the Victorian Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, has been sounding the alarm for years about the highly vulnerable «second stolen generation «of young Aboriginal kids who are removed from kin at increasingly high rates.
Intergenerational trauma is deeply felt in our community from myriad past practices, including the relatively recent Stolen Generations — I work with people born to parents who were stolen, many of my friends were stolen or come from families affected by the woeful policies of the past.
The Hon Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; Professor Mick Dodson, Co-Chair of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples from their Families and Co-Chair of Reconciliation Australia; Helen Moran, Chair of the National Sorry Day Committee; Mark Bin Barkar, Deputy Chairperson, National Stolen Generations Alliance; My fellow speakers - Alec Kruger, Jeannie Hayes, Alfred Coolwell and Lena Yarrey; Contributors to the Us Taken - Away Kids magazine — Lorraine McGee - Sippel, Elaine Turnbull, Robert Stuurman, Bev Lipscombe, Mary Hooker, Emily Bullock and Charles Leon; Members of the stolen generations; Representatives of Link Up, Sorry Day Committees and Reconciliation groups; My Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters; aGenerations Alliance; My fellow speakers - Alec Kruger, Jeannie Hayes, Alfred Coolwell and Lena Yarrey; Contributors to the Us Taken - Away Kids magazine — Lorraine McGee - Sippel, Elaine Turnbull, Robert Stuurman, Bev Lipscombe, Mary Hooker, Emily Bullock and Charles Leon; Members of the stolen generations; Representatives of Link Up, Sorry Day Committees and Reconciliation groups; My Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters; agenerations; Representatives of Link Up, Sorry Day Committees and Reconciliation groups; My Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters; and Friends.
Ensuring that there are mechanisms in place to ensure the participation of groups that are generally marginalised such as young people, people with disabilities, members of the stolen generation and mainland Torres Strait Islanders;
For example, that the NSW Government consult with people removed to Cootamundra Girls Home (now Bimbadeen College) about the maintenance of the site as a memorial; that Moore River native settlement / Mogumber Mission be restored to its original state and preserved as a memorial to the stolen generations, following consultation with those formerly removed to the institution.
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