Sentences with phrase «stone age caves»

At the moment of impact handprints appear on the screen, reminiscent of the first instances of human art - making in Stone Age caves.
IF YOU want to make sharp stone spearheads, do what Stone Age cave dwellers did and cook them first.
He wore a black leather coat and an orange - and - red T - shirt covered in stretched - out figures from a Stone Age cave painting.
The comedy, directed by Aardman fixture Nick Park, centers on Dug (voice of Eddie Redmayne), a late - Stone Age cave man who lives in a lush valley with a tribe of bungling rubes and an adorable pet hog.
Stone Age cave painters were history's first primitive figurative artists, incorporating a wealth of crude representations of human hunters.
Such a Machine Age artform is a far cry from the Stone Age cave painting of the Upper Paleolithic.
Ever since Stone Age cave paintings, man has tried to recreate what he sees: the camera only makes this process easier.

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Avión Reserva 44 is an Extra Añejo tequila aged for 43 months in an exclusive stone, temperature - controlled cave.
While digging in a thin sand layer in South Africa's Blombos cave, an international team discovered two tool kits used by Stone Age artists 100,000 years ago.
Ancient cave bears, which roamed from the United Kingdom to Russia for hundreds of thousands of years, made a strong impression on Stone Age artists, who included them in a 30,000 - year - old gallery of animals lining the walls of Chauvet cave in modern France.
The stone tools that Willerslev found in the cave are a similar age to these tools — they are about 12,800 years old — but are unlike any made by the Clovis people.
Modern mimic: The first formalized suggestion that we should be relying on meat and modeling ourselves, at least food-wise, after our cave - dwelling ancestors came from The Stone Age Diet, a 1975 book by gastroenterologist Walter Voegtlin.
In many other ways, this was a typical cave of the time, complete with wall paintings of horses, human burials, and Stone Age tools.
We've always heard that Stone Age people lived in caves.
The word «cave» is connected with the word «stone» so you are maybe able to understand when was in fact that so called cavemen age when our Spiritual Father, God Shiva says these days that now His children have stone intellect and that majority of them are not able to understand anything of His knowledge, He also teaches us that we were pure deities with the pure diet almost 5000 years ago, that we became more and more impure by indulging in vice of lust and other vices so today our stage is such that there are no such degrees of purity in the soul and our intellects became stone - like!
There's a scene in which young Arlo and his cave boy pal eat some «funny» berries and get «high», complete with psychedelic music and visuals, taking them from the Stone Age to the «Stoned» Age.
Discovered by a farmer, whose cattle wondered in here in search of water, the Echo Caves have unearthed a series of Stone Age artifacts now housed in the nearby Museum of Man.
Over the millennia, the Stone Age tribes huddled around the caves and hot springs of the Carpathian foothills developed into a cohesive society, and eventually into the Dacian kingdom.
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