Sentences with phrase «stories of hope exist»

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I applaud what he is doing and hope that he brings others to God throught the torture and bloody human sacrifice of his son (himself, actually) where he died (well, for a few hours anyway) for us all (at least so the story goes) so that we may live with him in heaven (a great place for which no evidence or photographs exist) until the end of time.
Basically the overarching story is fairly bare, and exists purely to allow Qohen to explore questions of philosophy and hope in a world of oppressive technology.
The story eventually got changed to free Platinum Games of the limitations it posed, but it still exists somewhere on the shelves of Kojima Productions, and Tamari hopes it will be used sometime.
On National Pets @ Work Day, we celebrate the success stories of existing pet - friendly offices and hope to engage additional employers in a dialogue to highlight the growing body of scientific research that shows the positive effects of the human - animal bond, when and wherever you experience it.»
Featuring hand - painted artwork, meticulously animated character performance, a fully orchestrated score and dozens of new features in the Definitive Edition, «Ori and the Blind Forest» explores a deeply emotional story about love and sacrifice, and the hope that exists in us all.
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