Sentences with phrase «straighten right leg»

Turn left foot out 90 degrees, keeping left knee bent over ankle; at same time, turn right toes in 45 degrees and straighten right leg.
Keeping the body stable, straighten the right leg, foot flexed, and try to bring it up until the leg is parallel to the floor.
Bring the left toe back to the floor and straighten the right leg, repeating for 8 - 16 reps before switching sides.
Straighten your right leg toward the ceiling.
Straighten your right leg and lift it off the ground.
Straighten your right leg and reach through the heels and balls of your feet.
Squeeze the quads to straighten the right leg, foot flexed.
Use a Yoga belt around the balls of the feet just under the toes, or grab onto the right big toe with your index finger and attempt to straighten the right leg foot up to the ceiling.
Exhale, straighten your right leg and simultaneously lift your left leg up above the floor.
5 back lunges to front kicks From that lunge position, shift yoru weight into that front right heel and straighten the right leg as you kick your back left leg straight up in front of you.
Exhale, lower the arms, straighten the right leg, and return to the starting point.
Straighten right leg as much as you can (as shown).
To come out of the pose, inhale as you straighten your right leg and use your left arm to swing your torso back to center, with your arms out to the side.
Straighten your right leg as you lift your left foot off the floor.
Now straighten the right leg so it becomes parallel with the floor (don't worry if you can't fully straighten it just go as far as feels comfortable).
As you inhale straighten the right leg and simultaneously raise the left leg parallel to the floor.
Straighten the right leg and return to Utthita Trikonasana.
Exhale, press your right hand and right heel firmly into the floor, and straighten your right leg, simultaneously lifting the left leg parallel (or a little above parallel) to the floor.
Turn your right knee out, aiming for the right foot's little toe, as you pull the quadriceps up and straighten the right leg.
On the inhalation, pull your right kneecap and quadriceps up as you straighten your right leg, maintaining the rotation.
Raise your left arm, pointing fingers toward the ceiling as you straighten your right leg and lift your straight left leg into the air, foot flexed and pointing to the side; look up at your left hand.
Single Leg Lift Kicks: maintain a lifted bridge and straighten your right leg.
Straighten your right leg out in front of you and bend your left knee.
As you exhale, squeeze the outside of your right arm to the outside of your left thigh and straighten your right leg.
Straighten your right leg and lower your left shoulder, as you rotate and bring your left knee inward and your right shoulder up and toward your knee (c).
Straighten the right leg as much as you can — think a deep stretch but not to the point of pain — and keep the left leg on the floor.
Young yogis start in a high kneeling position, then straighten the right leg off to the side.
Inhale, bringing the arms overhead, then exhale and straighten the right leg, bending forward over the right thigh and clasping elbows behind back.
From Warrior 1, straighten right leg as you turn chest to the ceiling.
Start the movement by bringing your right elbow towards your left knee and straightening your right leg.
With both hands on the ground, slowly pull your hips back so that they stack over your left knee, straightening the right leg.
Carefully lie down on your back, straightening your right leg toward the sky.

Not exact matches

Straighten your left leg to a 45 - degree angle while turning your upper body to the right, bringing your elbow to the knee.
As you straighten your legs to standing, bring your right hand straight up toward so it's in line with your eyes and parallel to the ground, and your left hand straight up to the ceiling / sky (pictured above, right).
Now, straighten your left leg and pop up to draw your right leg in front of you (e).
Step out to left side sitting back into right hip (be sure the knee is tracking over the toes) and straightening left leg.
As I struggled to straighten that single leg, the instructor assured me that staying in a folded pike position was totally fine, and a huge step in the right direction (panic dismissed).
Keeping your torso still, lift your hips and move them a bit to the right; lower and straighten your legs again.
As you kick your right heel out, you're also going to straighten your standing leg.
If straightening your left leg causes the right leg to shake or bend, practice with your left leg bent and your foot flat on the floor instead.
-- Rotate to the right, bringing the left elbow up to the right knee as you straighten your other leg.
Put your right hand on your right ankle and straighten both legs, returning to Utthita Trikonasana.
Straighten and firm the left leg and keep the right leg bent as you lift the left leg up until the foot is slightly above the pelvis.
Keep the left foot forward and step the right foot back (heels down and facing forward) enough to straighten both legs.
Straighten out right leg as you inhale and walk hands with the blocks back a few inches.
Keep left arm straight and straighten out right leg.
Once the legs are close to hip distance, straighten them both and twist your torso to the right, keeping the bind and finding Baddha Uttanasana, or Bound Standing Forward Bend.
Lie on mat with hands behind head, rotate to the left as you bring in the left knee, while bringing in the right elbow towards it, then switch sides rotating to the right and bringing in the right knee and the left elbow to meet it, as the left leg straightens out, continue alternating sides
As you straighten your left leg to the floor, extend your right arm above your head until your hand touches the floor.
Straighten your left leg and pull your right leg across the midline of your body to the left side, with minimal twisting in your spine.
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