Sentences with phrase «strong adaptation measures»

We call for a legally binding agreement that is no longer mitigation - centric, but acknowledges the need for strong adaptation measures, a bold loss and damage mechanism, technology transfer, capacity building, as well as finance flowing from North to South.

Not exact matches

This analytical report shows the wide range of adverse impacts of climate change in Africa and assesses the balance of economic costs, as a function of a range of scenarios including both successful and failed global mitigation efforts, and strong compared to weak implementation of adaptation measures.
As we shall see, that high - emitting nations have responsibility for funding adaptation measures in developing countries is a conclusion that can be based on strong ethical grounds despite reasonable disagreements about such matters as when the ethical responsibility was triggered, which kinds of adaptation measures should be funded now, and the need to distinguish between responsibilities that arise due to the «fault» of high - emitting countries and responsibilities which arise without attributing «fault.»
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