Sentences with phrase «study finds language»

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After his death, a number of other books, dictionaries, and grammar manuals in various languages were found in Jefferson's library, suggesting that he studied additional languages beyond those he spoke and wrote well.
The older I get, and the more I study the Word of God, alone The more I can not soatmch «christian» books.I am finding that I am more interested in the original languages (Hebrew, Greek) that the Word was penned in (via the Holy Spirit) before it was «translated» and the cultures and customs of that day.Knowing these things really open up The Scriptures.
The fragment, written in Coptic, a language used by Egyptian Christians, says in part, «Jesus said to them, «My wife...» Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King announced the findings of the 1 1/2 - by 3 - inch honey - colored fragment on Tuesday in Rome at the International Association for Coptic Studies.
It is therefore proper to our study of worship to inquire what this revolution in language means for the public worship in our churches; to ask whether perhaps it is not a task of contemporary obedience and praise to find fresh forms of statement whereby intelligibly to set forth ancient facts and encounters.
One of the most useful things I have ever learned about studying the Bible is that I need to go back to the root of the text, find out what it meant in the original language.
One OECD study found that marketing language and competing claims on what makes a product green have caused low market penetration for some eco-labels.
One study found that baby talk boosted language development.
While these findings are certainly important to language - development researchers who are seeking to tease out how, exactly, babies come to acquire language, it's important for parents to know that the results of this study shouldn't significantly affect how they help their children pick up new words, although it might help explain why babies pick up certain words in the order that they do.
For example, she studied brain activity and speech in a group of teenagers before, and three years after they entered high - school, and found music training in school significantly improved the auditory processing of phenomes (speech sounds) and had lasting effects on language skills.
Personally, I find it rather ironic that you're lecturing the blog author on the rigor of language, when, faced with the need to support the claims made by a documentary that has faced absolutely no real standards of intellectual rigor or merit (the kind of evidence you apparently find convincing), you have so far managed to produce a study with a sample size too small to conclude anything, a review paper that basically summarized well known connections between vaginal and amniotic flora and poor outcomes in labor and birth before attempting to rescue what would have been just another OB review article with a few attention grabbing sentences about long term health implications, and a review article published in a trash journal.
Previous studies have found that 12 sessions over 5 weeks — a total of only 6 hours of foreign language exposure — was all babies needed to start setting those brain development pathways down to learn a second language.
Studies of the Nurse Family Partnership model followed children to 6 years and found significant program effects on language and cognitive functioning as well as fewer behaviour problems in a randomized controlled trial study.24 In addition, more recent evaluations of Healthy Families America have shown small, but favourable effects on young children's development.25, 26
Yet those who do «blow bubbles» and display other complex mouth movements like licking their lips tend to pick up language more quickly as toddlers, a recent study found.
One study found twin language to occur in 40 percent of twin pairs (Lewis & Thompson, 1992).
Findings from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation project, a rigorous Congressionally - mandated study, indicate that the program had modest but positive impacts on EHS children at age three in cognitive, language, and social - emotional development, compared to a control group.xxiii In addition, their parents scored higher than control group parents on such aspects of the home environment as parenting behavior and knowledge of infant - toddler development.
Now, a new British study has found that parents» language can affect children's ability to understand and sympathize with others» emotions as well.
The findings are valuable for language teachers, and the research design is likely to serve as a model for many future SFL studies
The study found that a number of young people who had suffered from language problems in childhood often still find it difficult to understand speech as young adults, especially when spoken quickly.
Study of U.S. House of Representatives finds use of cooperative and kind language goes over well with voters
Nelson - Barber said the study team wants to find ways «to simplify test language, yet keep items academically rigorous.»
The study examined test results for more than 33,000 students in grades 4 through 12 and found that student performance varied across testing formats by grade band, students» primary language, and the specific features of the computer - based system used.
The genetic studies provide greater context for archaeological evidence found in the Americas: The research shows that the incredible diversity of cultures and languages among the native people of the Americas developed in place.
While a clinician may find it difficult to parse whether a patient's stilted conversational manner is rooted in a lack of emotional connection or problems forming words, a brain scan in Belger's study made it clear, for example, that particular symptoms were more closely associated with disruption in the brain's emotional processing areas, whereas other symptoms were more closely associated with regions responsible for language and motor control.
«What we found was that moms in our study used a special form of language — something called generics — as frequently when reading the picture storybook to their child as the picture vocabulary book,» said Professor O'Neill.
In a related study published recently in the journal Child Abuse and Neglect, Valentino found that maltreating parents, many of whom had experienced childhood trauma, could successfully be taught to use more elaborative and emotion - rich reminiscing with their preschool - aged children, which has been linked to a children's subsequent cognitive abilities in a number of areas including memory, language and literacy development.
You can find information about a language by collecting a corpus of data — for instance, the Chinese linguist studying my language could ask me various questions about it and collect the answers.
The research team led by Ji - Young Choi, an assistant professor of Human Development and Family Studies, found dual - language learners (DLLs) had significant growth, eventually outperforming students who only spoke English, once DLLs gained basic English proficiency.
«In our review of research, we did find some support across several studies both for using English as the language of instruction and for incorporating the home language into strategies that focused on language and literacy,» said Buysse.
Preterm babies perform as well as their full - term counterparts in a developmental task linking language and cognition, a new study from Northwestern University has found.
«Numerous studies have found speaking more than one language can enhance academic performance, so we would encourage parents to continue speaking their first language with their children.
Women who experience extreme morning sickness during pregnancy are three times more likely to have children with developmental issues, including attention disorders and language and speech delays, than woman who have normal nausea and vomiting, a UCLA study has found.
Even simple traits such as language can affect acceptance: Studies have found that the way a statement is printed or voiced (or even the accent) can make those statements more believable.
A study in the journal Psychological Science finds that students learning a new language in a total immersion environment had reduced access to their original language.
In a meta - analysis of studies that linked genetic markers to cultural heritage in North and Central America, Iceland, Australia, Africa and New Guinea, they found that only Y - chromosome DNA reflected the cultural origins of the local language.
The study builds on earlier work by Kuhl's team, which found that babies from English - speaking households could learn Mandarin from live tutors, but not from video or audio recordings of Mandarin and from other work at I - LABS establishing the importance of infant eye gaze for language learning.
Plotkin hopes that linguists will find the notion of drift and his statistical tests to be useful, because they allow researchers to study the patterns and timing of change in a single language rather than having to compare languages.
In her studies of school - age children, including those with hearing problems, she and her colleagues have found that children have trouble identifying speech and learning language in the midst of noise, especially speech from competing voices.
In a study appearing in the September 2015 issue of Language, three linguists look at intonation (a key part of prosody) in ASL and find that native ASL signers learn intonation in much the same way that users of spoken languages do.
He compares the process of finding and studying stone tools to being blindfolded and set down in a time and place where the only way to tell where and when you are is to listen to the language being spoken.
But by studying many different languages, linguists find the common factor is the binary distinction.
The unique feature of the study was the finding that the more language switching toddlers engaged in, the more it benefitted them.
A new study has found that infants and toddlers from low - income families who attended a high - quality center - based early education program do better in language and social skills after only one year than children who do not attend the program.
As this is contradictory to most previous research, the team repeated the study in different children, with a different language and culture, to make sure that the findings were correct and robust.
Results from the study find that throughout the course of development, language indicative of self - centeredness (e.g., using the word «I») decreased, while complexity (words such as «but» and «although») increased.
Study says no: Trying harder makes it more difficult to learn some aspects of language, neuroscientists find
Even though this is an observational study, our findings do not support the hypothesis of adverse effects on child's language, communication and motor skills due to the use of mobile phone during pregnancy.»
The study found that language analyses may predict heart disease risk as well or better than traditional epidemiological risk factors.
A study utilizing open - vocabulary analysis found striking variations in language with personality, gender, and age.
However, the study also found that independent of time spent in the U.S., «immigrants who form strong connections to the U.S. through English - language proficiency and citizenship acquisition benefit in terms of reduced smoking.»
This is a novel finding, and the first study we know of that shows accelerated word learning in bilingual children, strongly suggesting that babies are not thwarted by learning two very different languages
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