Sentences with phrase «study results suggest»

The study results suggest that the prevention and intervention programs for depression among mothers in low - come families must pay attention to decreasing parenting stress and improving self - efficacy.
The study results suggest that certain Briggs Myers personality types are more likely to be satisfied at work than others.
The study results suggest that cultural cognition or some like variant of motivated reasoning is driving «perception» of the images in the film.
«Our study results suggest that if you are 25, you'd have to eat even less and exercise more than those older, to prevent gaining weight,» says Jennifer Kuk, a professor from Toronto's York University.
These study results suggest that dogs» preference for petting as positive reinforcement is a natural response, whereas the use of praise to reinforce desirable behavior is more effective when paired with an additional incentive like food or petting
«Study Results Suggest Partially Immunized Puppies Attending Socialization Classes Are at No Greater Risk for Parvo Than Puppies That Don't Attend Classes» (Dr. Becker DVM —
The study results suggest that between $ 55 billion and $ 104 billion of this cost through 2016, or between $ 466 and $ 881 per household, will go to lenders rather than homeowners.
Study results suggest that districts should consider implementing career - themed programs such as programs of study that enhance their existing college - and career - readiness initiatives.
«The NVS study results suggest that as those standards are implemented, NAEP needs to ensure that it continues to be well - aligned with the mathematical content being taught in the nation's classrooms.»
Study results suggest that the obesity trend in children is a result of unhealthy habits and not genetics.
The study results suggest that a person's melanoma risk is more closely linked to total exposure than to the age at which he or she first tans indoors.
The study results suggest that doctors may want to take additional precautions when prescribing medication to women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, says Dr. Goldstein.
Study results suggest that any increase in physical activity can help reduce belly fat and body weight and is useful for preventing chronic diseases.
The study results suggest an inherent potential for triggering positive emotions with art creation, particularly doodling.
Finally, the authors say, the study results suggest that low libido can often be associated with a lack of emotional closeness or openness with a partner.
In summary, our study results suggest that review outcomes do not differ appreciably for MD compared with non-MD applicants.
The study results suggest, that a personalized neoantigen vaccine can potentially overcome two major hurdles in cancer therapy.
He said that prior research has shown that it is very hard to completely debunk misinformation, such as the mistaken belief that the MMR vaccine causes autism, but the study results suggest that accurately communicating about the risks of Zika can help lessen the detrimental effects of the misbelief.
Our study results suggest that this could be an effective wheezing prevention strategy following infant viral ARIs, however, research would first need to be done to determine the effects, adequate dosing and safety of certain antioxidant agents in infants before they can be recommended for this use.»
«Our study results suggest that higher exposure to several flame retardants in the home environment may be associated with the diagnosis and severity of papillary thyroid cancer, potentially explaining some of the observed increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer,» Sosa said.
«The study results suggest that immunological changes during pregnancy may affect the response to the vaccination,» stated Emily Patel, M.D. with Duke University.
Overall, the study results suggest that the dual comb technique is ideally suited to precise, reproducible sensing of trace gases in the atmosphere and can support the development of accurate models for use in global, satellite - based greenhouse gas monitoring.
Although obesity is considered a risk factor for heart disease, the study results suggest that focusing directly or exclusively on weight loss can be counterproductive by discouraging women from keeping health appointments, further reducing the chances that they will receive appropriate monitoring and counseling.
The study results suggest that while training doesn't change neurological repair in chronic stroke patients, it can indeed help such patients learn new motor skills and achieve more independence in their daily lives.
«Our study results suggest a new drug cocktail that is effective in both human lung cancer cell lines and fly models,» says Cagan.
Elephants are often blamed for extensive loss of woody vegetation in Northern Botswana, but study results suggest that this may not be the case.
Study results suggest that pharmacological action on these epigenetic alterations may be helpful in slowing disease progression.
The study results suggest that accurate information alone is helpful to parents.
Relationships between spotted owl populations and climate was complex and variable, but rangewide, the study results suggested that survival of young spotted owls and their ability to become part of the breeding population increased when winters were drier.
But given the study results suggesting that NHE6 may play a role in some autism forms perhaps by hindering neural branching, the new research suggests a target for addressing it.
Just five years in, the study results suggested that hormone therapy increased the risk of several serious health conditions, including breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Not exact matches

A study in the British Medical Journal suggests that if you're over 50, the best results come from combining aerobic and resistance exercise, which could include anything from high - intensity interval training, like the seven - minute workout, to dynamic - flow yoga, which intersperses strength - building poses like planks and push - ups with heart - pumping dance - like moves.
This strongly suggests that there may have been issues with the cognitive testing methodology or sensitivity of the study generally, and that the cognitive results ought to be taken as inconclusive.»
«The results suggest that Facebook pages are most effective when they are used as a form of traditional advertising rather than as a platform for social interactions,» said Janet Schwartz, a co-author of the study.
A recent study published by Northern Kentucky University suggests that mixing alcohol with diet soda results in higher blood alcohol levels than mixing with sugary sodas.
While the results can't conclusively prove that all those second screens are causing the changes to the brain (differences in brain structure could also lead people to be more likely to multitask), the researchers suggest that the results should nonetheless serve as a red flag for fans of multiple devices while further studies are carried out to test causality.
The results suggest that the novelty of being research subjects can prompt people to change their behaviour while they're being studied.
What makes this study worth discussing is that it suggests conceptions, those that result in live births, noticeably begin to drop months before a recession strikes.
A new study from the RAND Corporation suggests that the adoption of AI - powered weapons in the military could result in an increased...
Various studies have suggested that improving gender parity may result in significant economic dividends, which vary depending on the situation of different economies and the specific challenges they are facing.
While Google + can also have a powerful impact on your search results on Google, the majority of studies at this point suggest that Facebook is one of the most powerful sources for an SEO boost in the search rankings for your website content.
Early results of the study suggested that intelligent people don't gravitate towards religion because they're uncomfortable with abstracts like faith and spirituality.
«The Wall Street Journal recently reported the results of a new study, which suggested that schools shouldn't wait until students are teenagers to teach evolutionary ideas.
The evidence strongly suggests that today's theological students are steered toward seminary as a result of post-college involvement in congregational life rather than by persons or studies in the college milieu.
The humane studies are also of crucial importance for suggesting guiding ideals in a time of rapid cultural transformation resulting from new inventions.
New research from Harvard University actually suggests that attending «religious services» at least once a week will significantly lower your risk of dying over the next decade and a half — and these results have been replicated in enough studies and populations to be considered highly reliable.
One of the researchers explained in a press release, «The results from our study suggest that iPhones are capable of becoming an extension of ourselves such that when separated, we experience a lessening of «self» and a negative physiological state.»
Early results of a 12 million pound, 4 - year EU study on the benefits of organic food suggest that some of them, such as fruit, vegetables and milk, are more nutritious than non-organically produced food and may contain higher concentrations of cancer fighting and heart beneficial antioxidants.
This study suggests promising results for the effects of buckwheat on blood sugar levels in humans.
Responding to a recent study from the University of Melbourne suggesting an increase in soft drink prices would result in reduced consumption, Australian Beverages Council CEO, Geoff Parker said;
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