Sentences with phrase «subsequent distributions from»

Once you make a nondeductible contribution or roll over after - tax amounts to any of your Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRA, any subsequent distributions from any of your Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRAs will include a prorated amount of pretax and post-tax assets, as these IRAs are aggregated for the purposes of determining the taxable amount of any distributions.
, any subsequent distributions from any of your Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRAs will include a prorated amount of pretax and post-tax assets, as these IRAs are aggregated for the purposes of determining the taxable amount of any distributions.

Not exact matches

We implemented rarecoal in a software package (available from that can learn the parameters of a given population tree topology from the data using numerical maximization of the likelihood and subsequent Markov Chain Monte Carlo to get posterior distributions for each split time and branch population size.
A rollover from one HSA to another HSA can be done either through a direct trustee - to - trustee transfer or as a distribution from the first HSA and then a subsequent transfer of that distributed amount back into the second HSA.
But distributions from such a college savings plan are reported as untaxed income to the beneficiary on the subsequent year's FAFSA.
Such distributions are reported as untaxed income to the beneficiary in the subsequent year's FAFSA because of guidance from the US Department of Education.
Had Jack filed Form 8606 for the year the rollover occurred, and for any subsequent year in which he made distributions from his IRA, he would not have paid taxes on the $ 25,000 that represented his after - tax balance.
The statistics associated with scenarios from the literature do not imply probability of occurrence (e.g., the frequency distribution of the scenarios may be influenced by the use of IS92a as a reference for many subsequent studies).
(c1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a second or subsequent spouse acquires no interest in the marital property and divisible property of his or her spouse from a former marriage until a final determination of equitable distribution is made in the marital property and divisible property of the spouse's former marriage.
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