Sentences with phrase «subsequent tests showed»

The animal was put to death and subsequent tests showed that it had consumed blood.
Extent of fraud: Subsequent tests showed the ages on many of his skulls were off by tens of thousands of years.

Not exact matches

«Although extensive choice seems appealing, research shows that it may hinder motivation to buy and decrease subsequent satisfaction with purchased goods... Using data from nearly 800,000 employees, we tested the hypothesis that employee 401 (k) participation rates fall as the number of fund options increase.
Subsequent tests have shown that the 31 - year - old full - back will need to to undergo an operation which is likely to sideline him until well after the new year.
A single, small, retrospective case - control study examined the use of newborn transient evoked otoacoustic emission hearing screening tests as a tool for identifying infants at subsequent risk of SIDS.343 Infants who subsequently died from SIDS did not fail their hearing tests but, compared with controls, showed a decreased signal - to - noise ratio score in the right ear only (at frequencies of 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz).
Subsequent repetition of the preference test showed that the animal's choice had shifted to the image reinforced by VTA stimulation.
Subsequent testing has shown that not to be the case, at least in the opinion of many physicists — many highly respected physicists — and so the supporters of the RRW have moved onto other rationales for why we would need these including margin, which is your, I guess, confidence, that a nuclear weapon will explode as it is intended to; it will deliver exactly, say ten kilotons of destructive force or one megaton or whatever the desired explosive force is.
But in subsequent weekly drug seeking tests, the mice who had received cognitive training showed less preference for the chamber where they had been high on cocaine.
Subsequent tests using immunochemistry showed positive for proteins [3].
Serial, ten-fold dilutions of full - length XMRV (VP62) plasmid (kindly provided by Robert Silverman) in a background of human DNA (PBMC or whole blood) showed that the nested gag and pol PCR tests each detected 10 XMRV copies in different experiments on subsequent days (34/34 (100 %) and 32/34 (94.1 %), respectively).
A very low level is no guarantee that it is not present and may show more on subsequent tests.
In my case, I had colon polyps five years ago (I got the colonoscopy because the stool test indicated blood), and thought I did not develop any additional polyps since subsequent stool tests showed no blood.
Making matters more complicated, lead might show up in the hair after release from one storage site, decline on a subsequent test but later rise again as it is released from yet another site.
A subsequent Spectracell test showed that, on a cellular / molecular level, my ability to process carbohydrates had dropped from normal to extremely low.
This shows that standardised testing of schools and subsequent rankings are not needed, as schools and teachers are professionals focusing on the learning of all students.
You can also share the subsequent academic or professional stories of these former «mistake makers» to show that these tests aren't the be-all and end - all of their lives.
As West shows in his Education Next article, moving to middle school leads to a «substantial drop in student test scores» in the first year of the transition, and the «relative achievement of middle - school students continues to decline in the subsequent years they spend in such schools.»
@dpollitt, those auto parts stores may have little idea on how to use their own testers; those battery tests are supposed to show degradation on subsequent tests — the tests involve drawing a significant current for a prolonged time — you can't do that to any battery and not expect degradation.
The 12C may not have walked away with every award and group test win but McLaren's subsequent models have shown how the firm has matured over the past few years.
Almost all of the factors and smart beta strategies exhibit a negative relationship between starting valuation and subsequent performance whether we use the aggregate measure or P / B to define relative valuation.9 Out of 192 tests shown here, not a single test has the «wrong» sign: in every case, the cheaper the factor or strategy gets, relative to its historical average, the more likely it is to deliver positive performance.10 For most factors and strategies (two - thirds of the 192 tests) the relationship holds with statistical significance for horizons ranging from one month to five years and using both valuation measures (44 % of these results are significant at the 1 % level).
Roadside license suspensions for drivers who get a «warn» on a roadside screening test, or whose breath test shows a blood alcohol level between.05 and.08 (50 to 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood) are: • 7 days for a first suspension within 10 years; • 15 days for a second suspension within 10 years; • 30 days for a third or subsequent suspension within 10 years.
Many may uttered a cynical «yeah, right» when Jeff Bezos unveiled his plan for a delivery drone in 2013, but subsequent test flights of the Prime Air machine, heavy investment in drone - focused R&D centers, partnerships with NASA and others to build an air traffic control system for drones, and even appearances by Amazon executives in front of congressional committees show that the company isn't just serious about flying books and other small items to customers, but utterly determined to see the plan through.
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