Sentences with phrase «such gradual changes»

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The International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) prediction for global growth of 3.1 % in 2016 remained subdued, and though it still expects a gradual recovery to follow, the IMF envisages this pickup will be driven almost entirely by emerging economies, as advanced economies grapple with headwinds such as changing demographics and declining productivity.
Macroevolution posed a problem to Darwin because his principle of descent with modification predicts gradual transitions between small - scale adaptive changes in populations and these larger - scale phenomena, yet there is little evidence for such transitions in nature.
(II, 1.2, # 18) This judgment, offered in the context of his larger teaching about the irresistible authority of common opinion in democratic times, indicates that despite their adherence to the Bible and other standards of doctrinal authority, the Americans could abandon or adapt Christianity whenever the gradual working of democratic currents made such changes attractive to a majority.
Among his strongest points is that observations that demonstrate gradual evolutionary changes in specific characteristics (beak shape of finches, color of forest moths, for instance) do not establish how gradual changes could bring about major evolutionary transitions that require concerted functioning of many specialized organs — such as the change from arboreal mammals to night - flying bats, or the origin of life.
And she explains the life of St. Francis very well - revealing, for example, that the process of change was a gradual thing and that it began with simple gifts to the poor and a real commitment to prayer, and the more dramatic events such as the encounter with the Crucifix at San Damiano came only after this preparation.
The Fascist regime itself, whatever its negative features, probably contributed to that «passive revolution» in another of the senses in which Gramsci used the term, in which important social changes can go on even under reactionary and repressive regimes — the gradual erosion of particularistic and traditional authority structures and the development of more egalitarian social forms — though it may be in the nature of the less effective Italian Fascist regime to have served more as a guardian for such structures and less as a corrosive to them than in the more efficient fascist regimes in Germany and Japan.
However, as H.M. Hyndman suggested in his influential England for All from 1881, «such changes as are needed may be gradual» and «in England, fortunately, we have a long political history to lead up to our natural development, the growth of a great nation such as ours has its effect on all portions of the people».
The findings, which have been published in the journal Nature Geoscience, add to mounting evidence suggesting that gradual changes such as a rising CO2 levels can lead to sudden surprises in our climate, which can be triggered when a certain threshold is crossed.
Changes in that signature can indicate how an environmental threat — such as the gradual effects of climate change or increasing levels of human noise pollution — disrupt animal communities.
Even gradual climate change could cause abrupt problems in coming decades, including melting ice roads such as this one in Canada and making them impassable, a new report concludes.
So far, the climate science used in courts has focused mostly on overall trends and gradual processes such as sea level rise, said Michael Burger, executive director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School in New York, who said he has no financial stake in climate change litigChange Law at Columbia Law School in New York, who said he has no financial stake in climate change litigchange litigation.
Such changes are not difficult provided they are gradual.
This reversal is far too abrupt to reflect changing consumer reading preferences or purchasing behavior: such a change would have been far more gradual.
When contemplating a switch to a raw food diet for your dog, you are bound to have some concerns, such as, what kinds of raw foods and meats should you feed your dog, can you get frozen raw dog food or dehydrated raw dog food for added convenience, whether to make the change gradual or «cold turkey,» etc..
A sick cat may have gradual changes over time, such as gaining or losing weight, or a dull coat with hair loss.
Artists such as Winslow Homer, Dorothea Lange, Elizabeth Catlett and Lewis Hine depict laborers throughout the changing landscape of America; from child and slave laborers to miners, railway and steel workers, to the modern gradual disappearance of the worker.
The selected works drawn from the Library's extensive collections highlight the gradual broadening in both the private and public spheres of women's roles and interests, addressing such themes as evolving ideals of feminine beauty, new opportunities emerging for women in society, changes in gender relations and issues of human welfare.
The first report knew, and commented on, the possibilities of gradual climate change pushing ecosystems or economies over thresholds and triggering abrupt responses, but the new report focuses on such tipping points in our societies and environment.
Few people have read paleo - climatology text books, are aware of the glacial / interglacial cycle, are aware that the paleoclimatic record has unequivocal evidence of cyclic gradual changes and cyclic abrupt climate events, are aware that the abrupt climate change events such as the abrupt termination of the last 22 interglacial periods lacks an explanation, are aware that all of the past interglacial periods are short (roughly 12,000 years) and that they have ended abruptly, and so on.
Some apparent problems with the predictions of climate models, for example, have actually turned out to be due to problems with real - world data caused by the failure to correct for factors such as the gradual changes in orbits of satellites.
Societies have faced both gradual and abrupt climate changes for millennia and have learned to adapt through various mechanisms, such as moving indoors, developing irrigation for crops, and migrating away from inhospitable regions.
Some stressors such as a pest infestation can yield immediate impacts, while other stressors, especially those related to global climate change, can be severe but gradual.
Most land - use scenario assessments are based on gradual changes in socio - economic and climatic conditions, although responses to extreme weather events such as Hurricane Mitch in Central America have also been assessed (Kok and Winograd, 2002).
Since NRC, 2002 was published, the potential for abrupt impacts associated with gradual changes in extreme events — such as abrupt changes in terrestrial ecosystems due to droughts and storms — has been studied extensively (e.g., Hutyra et al., 2005; Saatchi et al., 2013).
Such rainfall regimes cover nearly half of the global land, where either a gradual climate change across the ecosystem thresholds or a strong perturbation due to either extreme climate events, land use, or diseases could trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.
It emphasises «non-linear dynamics, thresholds, uncertainty and surprise, how periods of gradual change interplay with periods of rapid change and how such dynamics interact across temporal and spatial scales» (Folke2006: 253).
The human mind works in such a way that sudden change is a lot more noticeable than gradual change.
This relates to both gradual facial changes, such as a man growing a beard, as well as occasions where the user wears partially obscuring clothing, like hats or glasses.
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