Sentences with phrase «such oversimplifications»

Such an oversimplification ignores the biographical, religious and political realities running through the history of Christian missions during the «great century» and long before, as missionaries have, in the name of Jesus, striven to understand and learned to respect the particularities of the cultures to which they have come.
To say that critics of Tory strategy simply wanted (and want) the party to move to the right is such an oversimplification that it is misleading.
«Such oversimplification has serious consequences on research on video game training.
There are activist scientists who will often try to bludgeon you with some conclusion or another «derived from physics», but that is such an oversimplification as to be pretty irresponsible or just a political rhetoric disguised as science.
He indicated such an oversimplification risks children being placed in an arrangement that may cause harm to them.

Not exact matches

While I agree with your as.sertion that an argument for the oversimplification can be made on nearly any position, I think the previous statement is not only unreasonably over simplified, if such were definable, but is, in fact, flat out incorrect.
Philosophy's recognition of itself as religion is neither achieved nor admitted by all philosophers, but among these who have recognized the identity of philosophy and religion are Socrates, Plotinus, Erigena, Spinoza, Hegel — in short, and in general, most of the speculative, «Platonic» tradition, in opposition to the mainstream of the analytic, «Aristotalian» tradition (if the reader will forgive such a gross oversimplification of a very complex history of thought).
«Information bits» are presented with such rapidity and oversimplification that the viewer can only, it seems, suspend judgment or «believe tentatively and with elasticity.»
It would, of course, be an oversimplification to hold that an over-all development such as has been here outlined has gone forward quite straightforwardly and steadily.
Unfortunately, the field of the history of religions is plagued by many such dangerous oversimplifications.
This definition is, in fact, such a gross oversimplification as be scientifically useless.
Even though it is true that obesity is caused by excess calories and weight loss caused by a calorie deficit, this is still such a drastic oversimplification that it is downright wrong.
It would be good to have a chart such as this rather than the oversimplifications widely available online!
Ridding the system of the gross oversimplification that is the API and taking a broader approach would help to prevent such abuse of the data that allow school leaders to celebrate failure disguised as success and hoodwink an unsuspecting public.
As a former livestock raiser, and forest replanter, I observed one BBC graphic captioned «Drought or flood» is a perfect illustration of the error of oversimplification, as I thought immediately of alternatives to that binary, such as soil compaction, trampling, decreased vigor offering susceptibility to fungal infection, as the tree is denuded and there is livestock nearby.
The authors pull no punches in boldly asserting that the brand of human attribution science as currently practiced by climate activists such as Michael Mann and Michael Oppenheimer «contradicts the scientific evidence «and engenders a «massive oversimplification» or even «misstatement» of the «true state of the science.»
No one of us can reasonably desire the «oversimplification» you admonish us against in your concluding paragraph, most especially advocates of a nuanced policy response such as myself.
@Greendrake it's a commonly held belief in the United States that such questionsare illegal, but it seems that this belief is actually an oversimplification.
As an oversimplification of the current debate: Some would like to see an increase in block size which would enable more on - chain transactions per second; others would like to see the block size limit remain low in an effort to limit the cost of operating a full node while moving some types of payments above the base Bitcoin protocol to secondary layers such as the Lightning Network and sidechains.
(2010) refer to this approach as «identify and use»; although this may be an oversimplification as Tayyab Rashid (2015) has recently described more extensive uses for client strengths such as using them to master problems that are maintaining symptoms.
Nevertheless, the mentioned studies have limitations such as small sample size (8 — 10), reliance on retrospective memory, low participation rate and attrition (7, 11), oversimplification in CHD severity grading (7, 11), use of self - reports, lack of clinical assessment of parental mental health problems (8, 11), and lack of data on possible confounding factors (11).
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