Sentences with phrase «such tiny organisms»

Cyanobacteria: Such tiny organisms produced today's proportion of about 20 percent oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth.

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Such organisms cram meters of genetic material into the tiny nuclei by wrapping strands of DNA around clusters of proteins called histones (SN: 1/10/15, p. 32).
She notes that the study's authors took great pains to exclude other possible explanations for the subsurface oxidation, whether from sediment mixing by tiny organisms or from oxidation by nonbiological agents such as nitrates and metallic oxides.
A rain forest, on the other hand, is such an efficient system for using energy because there are so many organisms exploiting every tiny niche of the nutrient cycle.
Today such clay minerals form in soil when organisms such as microbes or fungi interact with tiny bits of weathered rock.
Combining genetic material can of course bring beneficial new combinations, but even for tiny organisms that are barely visible to the naked eye, mating is fraught with all kinds of hazards, such as a long wait for offspring, sexually transmitted diseases, and the risk of getting eaten during or after sex.
But they also include viruses, fungi and other tiny organisms such as protists and archaea.
It takes a microscope to view such tiny objects, such as bacteria or other one - celled organisms.
(singular: archaeon) a group of tiny organisms often living in extreme environments, such as ocean vents and salt lakes.
These trillions of tiny organisms, most of which are found in your large intestine, help you digest your food and even produce vitamins, such as vitamin K and biotin.
Indeed, these tiny, wingless creatures often carry infectious agents themselves, such as tapeworm eggs and a variety of pernicious bacteria — including the organism that causes feline infectious anemia — which can be passed among cats that are in close physical contact.
A variety of organisms can be found on and around the Channel Islands, from top predators like bald eagles and sharks, to intertidal residents such as seastars and barnaces, to the tiniest parasites living on other animals and plants.
A variety of organisms can be found on and around the Channel Islands, from top predators like bald eagles and sharks, to intertidal residents such as seastars and barnacles, to the tiniest parasites living on other animals and plants.
Mold is a type of fungus made up of tiny microscopic organisms that can grow practically anywhere, such as on ceiling tiles, wallpaper, wood, paints, carpet, and insulation.
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