Sentences with phrase «supine feet»

Instructions: From Supine Feet on duraDiscâ «cents position, raise one foot off disc.

Not exact matches

It was a long and sometimes terrible conflict, occasionally exacting a fearful price in martyrs» blood, but it was, by any just estimate, a victory: the temples of Zeus and Isis alike were finally deserted, both the paean and the dithyramb ceased to be sung, altars were bereft of their sacrifices, the sibyls fell silent, and ultimately all the glory, nobility, and cruelty of the ancient world lay supine at the feet of Christ the conqueror.
Elevating the head of the infant's crib while the infant is supine is not recommended.11 It is ineffective in reducing gastroesophageal reflux; in addition, it might result in the infant sliding to the foot of the crib into a position that might compromise respiration.
Elevating the head of the infant's crib while the infant is supine is not effective in reducing gastroesophageal reflux85, 86; in addition, this elevation can result in the infant sliding to the foot of the crib into a position that might compromise respiration and, therefore, is not recommended.
How to Perform: Lie supine on the back pad with shoulders under the shoulder pad.Your feet should be about shoulder width apart, placed on the platform, a bit higher than the base of the sled.
Start with your upper back on the ball (supine position), feet are a little wider than hip distance apart.
I also don't care if your feet are hip distance apart in forward fold or if you gaze opposite your legs is supine twist.
From supine position, bent one knee and cross it outside of the opposite foot.
Begin class with the students in a supine position, on their mats, knees bent and soles of the feet on the floor, legs extended, or legs over a bolster, depending on the comfort level of the students.
While you can certainly do supine, prone, kneeling, etc. exercises to enhance your body's functional movement capacity, you need to train with your feet on the floor if you want to be the most functional.
Lying supine with arms across the chest, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor, the shoulders were raised as far as possible to the knees and then back down to the starting position for 1 repetition.
Lying supine, left ankle resting on bent right knee with right foot flat on the floor and hands behind the neck, the right elbow was raised to the left knee and then returned to the floor.
However, anterior pelvic tilt is greater when lying in supine than when standing and when the foot is markedly pronated than when flat.
For example, Eom et al. (2013) found that it was not affected by instability at the feet during a supine bridge.
Fiona Maye, a High Court judge, at home on Sunday evening, supine on a chaise longue, staring past her stockinged feet toward the end of the room, toward a partial view of recessed bookshelves by the fireplace and, to one side, by a tall window, a tiny Renoir lithograph of a bather, bought by her thirty years ago for fifty pounds.
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