Sentences with phrase «surface temperature variability»

Original study: Messié, M. and F.P. Chavez, 2011: Global modes of sea surface temperature variability in relation to regional climate indices.
They found the answer in the leading pattern of sea surface temperature variability in the North Pacific: the PDO.
Laepple, T. & Huybers, P. Ocean surface temperature variability: large model — data differences at decadal and longer periods.
They found a 60 - to 90 - year cycle in Barents and Greenland seas ice extent related to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO); the AMO is a basin - wide cycle of sea surface temperature variability similar to the El Niño and La Niña cycles in the Pacific, but varying over much longer periods.
Muhling B. A., D. Tommasi, S. Ohshimo, M. A. Alexander and G. DiNardo (March 2018): Regional - scale surface temperature variability allows prediction of Pacific bluefin tuna recruitment.
Now, a team of climatologists, led by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, posits that the recent widening of the tropical belt is primarily caused by multi-decadal sea surface temperature variability in the Pacific Ocean.
Castro S. L., W. J. Emery, G. A. Wick and W. Tandy (October 2017): Submesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Variability from UAV and Satellite Measurements.
One dynamically downscaled IPCC simulation (WRF - MPI - ECHAM5) has a robust representation of Pacific sea surface temperature variability in the future projection period up to 2040, but the relationship to enhancement of precipitation extremes is not as clear as in observations.
Yeh, S. - W., and B.P. Kirtman, 2004: Decadal North Pacific sea surface temperature variability and the associated global climate anomalies in a coupled GCM.
Most of the surface temperature variability is on the diurnal (day - night) time scale.
«Ocean Surface Temperature Variability: Large Model - Data Differences at Decadal and Longer Periods.»
The component of sea surface temperature variability that maximizes its integral time scale, obtained from the combination of 14 control runs of CMIP3 climate models.
Reconstructing twentieth - century sea surface temperature variability in the southwest Pacific: A replication study using multiple coral Sr / Ca records from New Caledonia.
This study relates regional sea surface temperature variability to bleaching sensitivity and the future risk to coral reefs.
Atmospheric Aerosols and the Death of Nature Guest post by Dr. Patrick Michaels Big news last week was that new findings published in Nature magazine showed that human emissions of aerosols (primarily from fossil fuel use) have been largely responsible for the multi-decadal patterns of sea surface temperature variability in the Atlantic ocean that have...
Dowsett, H.J., M.A. Chandler, T.M. Cronin, and G.S. Dwyer, 2005: Middle Pliocene sea surface temperature variability.
A number of studies (journal publications and blogospheric analyses) have attributed 20th century regional and / or global surface temperature variability to the PDO and AMO; no attempt is made here to document these studies (this will be the topic of a future post), but see Roy Spencer and appinsys for the general idea.

Phrases with «surface temperature variability»

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