Sentences with phrase «swan dive forward»

Swan dive forward over the legs and step or hop your feet back to come into a plank.

Not exact matches

Neutral means not arched backwards like a swan dive and not curled forward like the fetal position, in fact, if you stand with good posture that is the correct back position.
Featured poses: chatarunga, upward dog, downward dog, swan dive, deep forward bend, dog split, warrior I, warrior II, shavasana, rockstar, pigeon, dancer's pose, crow, tripod headstand, extended side angle and more
On an exhale, swan dive your arms out to the side, bending forward at your hip crease.
During the ride out to the Bungee jumping adventure centre, your AJ Hackett driver will also advise you on the many different styles of bungy jumps that are a possibility: The swan dive, the titanic, the water touch, the pendulum, the tandem, the backward and forward elevator, the blindfold, the roof jump, the back dive and many more.
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