Sentences with phrase «syndrome without»

In each case, low frequency noise and infrasound appear to be the chief disease - causing culprit — basically, Wind Turbine Syndrome without the turbines.
At heart, though, the story is about the deep, complex, poignant love a man has for his daughter: it's the Lolita syndrome without the lust but with every bit of the doting possessiveness.
I knew that I was suffering from some sort of fatigue, but was at a loss on how to address this debilitating syndrome without the use of pharmaceutical drugs or other harmful methods for my already stressed out body.
Nephrotic syndrome without interstitial nephritis may occur, as well as immune - complex glomerulopathy, in a small subset of patients receiving NSAIDs.
Prior to the treatment at the Holtorf Medical Group, the patients had seen an average of 7.2 different physicians for the treatment of fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome without significant improvement.
GW510516, a PPARd agonist retracts a number of abnormalities connected with the metabolic syndrome without escalating oxidative stress.
Metabolic syndrome without obesity: hepatic overexpression of 11ß - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in transgenic mice.
«Until now, it was essentially a syndrome without a cause.»
It's unlikely that we could cure Rett syndrome without addressing the MeCP2 in neurons, but this study provides evidence that by addressing the disease in the immune system we could potentially delay the onset of symptoms,» Litvak said.
If your child has not been tested for a developmental disorder, the charity SWAN (Syndromes Without A Name) may be able to help: Email: [email protected] Tel 0207 8310883 Web:
This new paper reports that SDHB and SDHD can be altered in subsets of individuals and families with Cowden or Cowden - like syndromes without PTEN alterations.
The results have been that I've lost a 100 pounds & got rid of a host of metabolic syndromes without any medications.
In a related report, a case series of three patients treated for depressive syndromes without active intestinal complaints experienced resolution of symptoms on a gluten free diet within 2 - 3 months, including one patient who was medicated during pregnancy and was able to stop medication within 2 months of dietary change
However, the link is broke for your reference: «case study for three patients treated for depressive syndromes without active intestinal complaints experienced resolution of symptoms on a gluten free diet within 2 - 3 months, including one patient who was medicated during pregnancy and was able to stop medication within 2 months of dietary change.»

Not exact matches

Be able to get business done without imposter syndrome and without worrying about it.
Without that attention, managers and workers can easily fall victim to «out of sight, out of mind» syndrome.
Peter D. Williams looks at the lessons that society should learn from A world without Down's Syndrome?
Chauvinist nationalism should not smother individual and group rights, ethnic identities and innocent aspirational autonomy without secessionist syndromes.
Plus Mike Pilavachi on everyday miracles, and we review Sally Phillips» BBC2 documentary «A World Without Down's Syndrome».
I did not have a period before, and I take estrogen without a break (some transsexuals take estrogen 3 weeks on and 1 off, but that causes the Hulk syndrome in some transsexuals... so I stay on a constant dose.).
She never existed without Down syndrome so there can be no separating her from it.
Understanding Fructose & Fructose Malabsorption IBS Awareness Month, Week 3 Fructose malabsorption and IBS Fructose malabsorption can occur in people with or without Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
In fact, to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), experts recommend that you put your baby to sleep on his back without any pillows or coverings at all.
Eliza was diagnosed last July with Sanfilippo Syndrome, and her body and mind will begin deteriorating in months without a cure.
Of all causes of child death, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) may be the most devastating, because it often occurs without warning and because the exact etiology of SIDS is unknown.
Some women may have an increase in their LH hormone without actually releasing an egg, which is also known as Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS).
We can not completely discuss co-sleeping without talking about the controversial issue about the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
But Tough admirably teases apart the hazards of having it too good without falling into the «poor little rich kid» syndrome.
While HELLP syndrome is rare, effecting only 1 or 2 out of every 1000 births, without early treatment HELLP syndrome carries with it a high risk of severe health complications, including death, for the mother and fetus.
Many people worry about their child being born with Down syndrome which is understandable as the condition can come with health concerns but at the end of the day that beautiful baby - no matter what - will be yours and just as cute and funny as they would have been without the condition.
Shaken Baby Syndrome occurs when a baby or young child is shaken violently and sometimes repetitively (over and over), with or without the head hitting something.
The good news is that when vanishing twin syndrome occurs in the first trimester, the mother usually goes on to experience a normal pregnancy and delivers the single healthy baby without complication or intervention.
Hypotonia or «floppy infant syndrome», which may occur with or without muscle weakness and cause abnormal control of the oropharyngeal structures, resulting in weak or uncoordinated sucking
This study, which used data collected from 2008 to 2016, would have been impossible without the dedication to research from families who had another older child already diagnosed with fragile X syndrome.
The biggest accolade pacifiers receive from researchers is that there is strong evidence to suggest that if a baby uses a pacifier while sleeping, then their chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is less than an infant who sleeps without a pacifier.
The American of Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends room - sharing without bed - sharing until the first birthday or for at least 6 months, when the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is highest.
You are probably thinking that 5 - year old should be walking already without a stroller, but surprisingly this is when many of them experience tired - legs aka pain - in - the - behind syndrome on a regular basis.
To see whether this also applies to humans, the team engineered stem cells from people with and without Down's syndrome and injected them into mice.
«People with metabolic syndrome could benefit from guidance to help them restrict calorie intake without sabotaging their vitamin E intake,» he said.
The new guidelines suggest ordering troponin alone, without creatine kinase or creatine kinase - MB, for patients suspected to have acute coronary syndrome.
Furthermore, even low - risk kids have a higher chance of certain cancers than those without the syndrome.
At the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona, Spain, epigeneticist David Monk is looking into an altogether different question inspired by the tiny Silver - Russell children: how imprinting might affect fetal growth in babies without the syndrome.
Babies born without these wrinkles — called smooth brain syndrome — suffer from severe developmental deficiencies and their life expectancy is markedly reduced.
Furthermore, without detectable side effects, the peptide protected mice from chemical - induced colitis that models irritable bowel syndrome.
A researcher from the Pasteur Institute Korea in Seoul brought samples taken during the country's outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome on an intercontinental flight last year without the appropriate paperwork, hoping to get them studied at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
When comparing the two groups, the rate of weight gain was almost double on higher - versus lower - calorie diets, and patients receiving more calories were hospitalized for an average of seven fewer days, without an increased risk of refeeding syndrome.
According to CathPCI Registry data, opportunities exist to improve not only adherence to appropriate use criteria in patients without acute coronary syndrome (ACS) but potentially clarify areas of uncertainty.
«In addition, we observed a higher prevalence of dysfunction by FSFI criteria in desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction, comparing sexually active women with metabolic syndrome to those without
In Angelman syndrome, the mother's genes are silenced, allowing the father's genes to act without any restraint.
Likewise, the shape of the skull vault, which surrounds the brain, and chin anatomy were both outside the range seen in humans, with or without Down syndrome.
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