Sentences with phrase «tv before bed time»

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Besides what experts call good «sleep hygiene» -; not drinking caffeine at night, turning off the TV before bed, sticking to a sleep schedule -; the key may be rethinking your schedule to work shorter, smarter hours and actually leave the office closer to on time (after all, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg manages it).
Avoid TV and screen time right before bed Screen time, especially TV is not really recommended for children under the age of two anyway, but sometimes it happens!
It can be helpful to make a list of the things to do before leaving for school (get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, put shoes on, make bed, turn off bedroom light, etc.) and the reward options for them if everything is done before they leave (TV, games, play time, etc.).
If you have trouble getting them dressed for bed, have them put on pajamas and brush teeth before having TV time.
Watching TV or playing video games right before bed has been linked to an increase in the amount of time it takes children to fall asleep, so those activities should be stopped at least an hour before bedtime.
We do all the stuff of no TV before bed, calm, relaxing time before sleep, regular bedtime routine, etc..
Every meal time is pushed back a few hours because I'm in bed at 8.30 pm and up at 3.30 am; lunchtime is at 10.30 am and I have dinner at about 5 pm, just before my two - hour block of TV news begins, starting with Radio 4's PM and ending with Channel 4 News - with the BBC's Six O'Clock News and ITV's 6.30 bulletin sandwiched in between.
Eliminate screen timeTV, laptops, phones, everything — about an hour before bed and take a hot bath.
Set a time a few hours before bed when you won't check email, Instagram, or even TV.
But a new study conducted by Porch points to exactly how important self - care is: The study found that highly successful people are more likely to go to sleep early, limit TV and internet time before bed, take vitamins, eat a healthy breakfast, and meal prep.
Try a warm bath before bed, a bit of lavender aromatherapy, or quiet time for reading with no blue screens (phones, iPads, TVs, etc.) Whatever you do, you must take care of you.
Work seriously got so insane this week with year end stuff, and I literally only had time to come home, take Dart on a walk, eat dinner, and watch a little TV before heading to bed.
Every night before you go to sleep, spend some time talking to your spouse in bed — without the TV on, without your cell phone in hand, and without any other distractions that could take you away from this moment.
Got to get in a little TV time (and wine) before bed.
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