Sentences with phrase «take basic chemistry»

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He emphasized that young scientists — minority and otherwise — should take basic courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics to develop the necessary background skills.
The initial evaluation (A) comprises obtaining a thorough case history (A1), conducting a physical examination (A2), and taking the basic laboratory tests, including a complete blood count, a serum chemistry profile, and measurement of serum concentrations of trypsin - like immunoreactivity (TLI)(A3).
All students were required to take a basic course that included an introduction to chemistry, physics, and art materials.
But since you bring it up, basic chemistry tells us that the marine sink will diminish with warming, since warmer waters take up less CO2 than cooler ones.
«Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, a Republican from Maryland and a former scientist, took the opportunity later to teach Mr. Rohrabacher some basic atmospheric chemistry with an analogy.
Because climate science is firmly rooted in basic physics and chemistry (even biogeo), to rip, for example, the greenhouse effect down, you have to take a fair amount of physics and chemistry with, and this produces grotesck results, such as we have recently seen from Gerlich and Tscheusner, Miskolczi, the relatives Robinson and Soon, and many more, soon to appear in such well known journals as Energy and Environment, JPANDs and the true journal of last resort, the Journal of Scientific Exploration.
We advise you to take the practice tests in this pack and review basic chemistry and physics principles to fully prepare for your exam.
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