Sentences with phrase «taking little care»

Taking little care while writing the resume sections will help you to write a good quality resume and get highlighted.
When opposition parties win power, they usually take little care to deliver on their promises.
They are not that hard to style, but you need to take a little care on the details if you want to look like you know what you are doing.
The answer is that if you take a little care and if you need to, follow some of the rules outlined below, it's as safe as any other way of meeting people, with the advantage that your reach is extended from you locality to the whole world if you want!
«For a profession so dedicated to learning, teachers seem to take little care of their own learning» (Coe, 2013).
They take little care in providing puppies suited to a particular breed, and in many cases the family finds out too late that this cute little «fuzz ball» is actually not a lap dog but instead a ball of energy who needs lots of exercise, as is the case with Fox Terriers.
The oscilations etc, yes, i would maybe take a little care to use too much.
Many insurance companies will ensure that you get this rate if you were to take a little care and perhaps work towards combining all the policies into one.

Not exact matches

Launched in 2012, Edison Nation Medical allows entrepreneurs to submit as little as a back - of - the - napkin idea for a medical device, and then its team of manufacturers, attorneys, and health care specialists takes care of the rest, from patenting and FDA approvals to licensing and distribution.
This is what it's like to have 12 weeks of leave after having a baby, if you're lucky enough to even have a job that offers it: You begin figuring out child care almost right away; the irony that you barely know how to take care of this little person and now must somehow assess someone else's ability to do so does not escape you.
«They preach about being local, taking care of the little guy — it's BS.»
It just takes caring, a little bit of time and a lot of patience.
What if a cute little yellow robot could help solve a $ 300 billion health care problem: people failing to properly take their prescription drugs?
The truth is, most people care very little about how often you failed or how long it took you to arrive at success but rather only care about what you succeeded at — period.
Her bump started to grow a little, and we were worried so we took her to urgent care.
These programs take care of the little things, so entrepreneurs can be the best leaders they can be.
«We've gotten into the health arena and we started looking at wellness, that took us to pulling a string to thinking about research, pulling that string a little further took us to some patient - care stuff, and that pulled a string that's taking us into some other stuff,» he told the magazine.
Taking care of the little things first can actually help you muster the willpower to tackle that last biggie.
Take care of the little things so that you can focus on the big things and remain productive.
Nobody else is going to care as much about your product as you do, so it's really important to make sure you're the one taking charge and ensuring all the little things go right.
Both allow you to accept payments and take care of every little detail.
We take care of the little things that get in the way of productivity — systems, building maintenance, the mail -LRB-!)
«The self - employed don't have an HR department taking care of the setup and logistics of a retirement plan, and some of these plans have special considerations, so the hurdle is a little higher for them.
It's just a matter of having a little dedication and taking care of all the time you have available.
That way, your parents will know that their little ones will be taken care of should they fall or bump into something and need immediate attention.
If you have just started a home - based business or are taking care of accounting activities on your own for the first time, make sure you are aware of some of the little - known tax breaks available to you.
A very large meteor would take care of that little problem.
It's interesting that poor people seem to get the tactics of Jesus a little better than people who have resources because they know that you have to take care of each other if you're gonna make it in this world.
I need to let go of all the little things (and sometimes the big things) and take care of myself and others.
The difficulty with caring for the poor of course is that if you take care of them too much they have little motivation to improve their economic situation.
When someone doesn't fit in and suggests leaving, even a pastor cares little for their well being, only that they are leaving his empire and how that will make it look to anyone who takes a peek.
I have 2jobs and I go to school, its a little tough.But I know God won't leave me.Their is nothing he can't handle.He already took care of it.Amen God bless
God said let the little children come onto me HE will take care f them
Jesus is certainly not a dominating figure in the historical records... in fact, he seems to care very little about taking over.
It's because they don't care, they don't care what our beliefs are, about our hiertage, they only care about taking the country over little by little, which they are doing a fantastic job and being very successful.
Hi Catherine, I totally understand how painful and frustrating and infuriating it is when dealing with something as terrible as the sexual assault of a child, especially by those whom Christ has specifically pointed out in His word are to take such good care of those precious little ones.
Many atheists don't see a problem with insulting a person's faith because they care very little for the person taking the brunt of their lowbrow insults.
An overworked mother of a covey of children under six may have little time or energy to take care of herself or get in the mood for love.
See, that's what I mean by muddled... you humans took a little story, mixed it with some myths from earlier religions and decided I was this all powerful god with an all powerful father (that supposedly turns hair on the head as well as beards white if you look at him) that cared about each and everyone of you.
So bountiful hath been the earth and so securely have we drawn from it our substance, that we have taken it all for granted as if it were only a gift, and with little care or conscious thought of the consequences of our [ab] use of it; nor have we very much considered the essential relation that we bear to it as living parts in the vast creation.159
Jesus, well aware of the danger, was now taking care not to be found in the city after nightfall; he either stayed with friends at Bethany or bivouacked on the Mount of Olives, where the little company would easily escape notice among the numerous groups which camped out there for the festival.
People like Bob will continue to soil this one little nest humanity possesses, because they are too foolish to take care of it, and because they expect to be rewarded for their ignorance..
He takes care of my needs — and gives me a little fishing time.
The elaborate care taken with the words of scripture speaks prophetically to an age that cares little about the wisdom borne by ancient texts — and about craftsmanship generally.
Left with very little, a priest, who lived near Valence, took care of me.
Man chose satan as their god and have had the chance to show what they could do without their creator and his ideas, principles and laws but it has not been pretty and as Jesus taught that satan is «The ruler of this world», «the god of this system» etc.but for «a little while longer» and the Creator will take his wisdom, justice, power and love and take over to show what was intended from the beginning.for scriptures (see 1 John 5:19, Rev. 12:9 - 12, Luke 22:31, Matt.25: 41, 1 Pet.5: 8,9, John 8:44,45) and so many others for those who care.
If a man has not enough passion to make either the one movement or the other, if he loiters through life, repenting a little, and thinks that the rest will take care of itself, he has once for all renounced the effort to live in the idea — and then he can very easily reach and help others to reach the highest attainments, i.e. delude himself and others with the notion that in the world of spirit everything goes as in a well - known game of cards where everything depends on haphazard.
This means to be taken out of oneself,» to be turned away from concern for our little ego, to care for Another whom we may indeed care for without fear of being «let down.»
At the same time, my children need consideration and love too, but circumstances force my wife to neglect her own household to take care of someone else's household — for so little money.
So long as the law requires I go through your silly little ceremony to take care of my wife when she is in the hospital the silly little ceremony needs to be controlled by the government, not the church.
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