Sentences with phrase «talk to a child as»

Talk to your child as he / she grows, ensure that you let your child tell you if he / she is comfortable with massage, and most of all, continue to find ways to stay physically connected to promote a life - long, lasting bond.
Talk to a child as if you were equals, and more than likely, the child will respond by acting like one.
As much as possible, have time to talk to your children as this is crucial to gaining information and understanding.

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They will talk to the person sitting next to them on the bus, having retained that natural inquisitiveness we all had as children, but which society is so good at beating out of us,» he writes.
He continued, «I also stuttered as a child and I would talk to my dog and he would sit there and listen until he fell asleep.»
As Middleton said, in describing how she plans to launch a website on the topic and expressing a strategy that works: «I see time and time again that there is so much to be gained from talking of mental health and taking the mental health of our children as seriously as we do their physical healtAs Middleton said, in describing how she plans to launch a website on the topic and expressing a strategy that works: «I see time and time again that there is so much to be gained from talking of mental health and taking the mental health of our children as seriously as we do their physical healtas seriously as we do their physical healtas we do their physical health.
Bush Lauren also talks about her upbringing in Houston, Texas and what it was like to visit the White House as a child.
But she says her research shows that even when we're talking about children as young as a year to 3 years old, parents can help them develop growth mindsets.
So again, if you wouldn't be talking to someone else — especially your children, for example — that way, then you deserve to be kinder to yourself as well.»
I have done this same thing with my children, bringing them to the same grocery store every morning until they could talk to the people working there as family.
«A benefit I haven't heard anybody else talking about here is that by bumping them into the next bracket they won't be forced to move in the next two or three years» as they partner up or have children, Haw says.
«Today Cardinal Dolan had the long - awaited opportunity to talk about his decision nine years ago in Milwaukee to publicize the names of priests who had abused children and how he responded to the tragedy of past clergy sexual abuse of minors, during the time he was privileged to serve as archbishop of Milwaukee,» Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said in a written statement.
Amongst my born again friends and family there is much talk about when their children choose to accept Jesus as their personal savior.
They talk about an attack on religious teachings while speaking at an NRA event about how abortion is murdering unborn children while at the same time wanting to go to war and bomb thousands of innocent men, women, children, as well as innocent pregnant women with unborn babies.
All this is quite true, as I am a caregiver, and usually stay until the end and when we talk, family is the one topic they always talk about — some bad but mostly the good — the love they have for their children and the love of a wonderful spouse, whom they hate to leave.
Sometimes I think it's easier for us to talk about «saving millions of babies» than it is to work at creating a culture that can sustainably welcome those babies as they grow into children and adults.
1 Corinthians 13 talks about talking, reasoning and thinking like a child, and goes on to say, «now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.»
Im not talking about religion, or being religious, but believing in His word and applying it to your daily life, living it truly not by man's principle, but by God's Word, putting faith in Him just as a mother would to a babysitter who is going to look after her child, or just as you would trust someone with your money, or yet with your own life.
The fact that some animals can not reason or talk in language we understand should be as irrelevant to us as is the fact that some humans in relation to whom we have ethical obligations — severely retarded children, for example — can neither reason nor talk.
But in reality I have always been aware of this and was made uncomfortable by all the many prayer styles too — especially as a small child, when I was very aware that everyone seemed to go from normal talk to a specialized prayer intonation.
Noble Prophet Muhammad??? The dude was a child molester??? As for Rainer don't pay to much attention... he is like the rambling idiot you see on the corner that talks to himself.
As I waited for her to come out from the bathroom, I overheard two mothers talking about how disappointed their children were at not winning any candy.
To talk in that fashion is not to speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human childreTo talk in that fashion is not to speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human childreto speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human childreto speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human childreto the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human childreto the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human children.
For so far as the child is concerned, one does not talk about despair but only about ill - temper, because one has only a right to assume that the eternal is present in the child, and has never a right to demand it of the child, as one has a right to demand it of the grown man, to whom it applies that he shall have it.
But either way, when you hear what I am talking about in this episode, you might be encouraged to gather your children around anyway and have them listen to this episode as well.
Also, as a head's up, it has a parent section at the beginning and end that might not be appropriate for little ones to come across on their own (i.e. it talks about child abuse stats) but it will help you have the conversations that need to be started with our daughters (and sons) even at a young age.
As an illustration of the sort of service he is talking about, he places a child in the midst of the circle of disciples — thus indicating that children, including abandoned children, are to be brought into the Christian community.
I believe that just as I grow in my relationship with my wife and children as I talk to them, I grow in my relationship with God (and He with me) as we talk in prayer.
As an interim measure, he talked a neighbor into allowing her children to watch and entertain his wandering wife.
Oh, please, «musings» and the other nitwit who replied... I am talking about a professional who dragged her baby around as a statement - at WORK - and purposely nursed the child - without trying to cover anything - in front of people in order to make them uncomfortable.
As for children, we've been talking about when we're going to start trying.
There is a scripture that talks of a pagan people who pass their children in the fire, this made God angry as he states it is something that has «never even come to my mind».
I thought I was missing something so I talked to Pastors, Bishops and anyone that would talk about their beliefs, I concluded that I hadn't missed anything, please generally believe because that's what they were taught as children and was never told otherwise.
Once we start talking about «renewing the national covenant,» we may have to turn to Israel, as many of the Reformers and their children did, as a model polity.
In the second verse he is talking about the God (His father -LCB- Not literally his biological father, Its a way to express himself close to God, as we are all children of God, cuz he created us all -RCB--RRB-, how he has reserved space in heaven for the believers.
I need you to come immediately to an abortion clinic, find a young girl contemplating an abortion, talk her out of it, take her home, foster her for the duration of her pregnancy, pay all medical expenses, and after her child is born, adopt the baby and raise it as your own, while the mom is free to continue living her life.
Answer this: will you to come immediately to an abortion clinic, find a young girl contemplating an abortion, talk her out of it, take her home, foster her for the duration of her pregnancy, pay all medical expenses, and after her child is born, adopt the baby and raise it as your own, while the mom is free to continue living her life.
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
I have deliberately left out of the discussion such topics as ethics and the Christian family — although I have talked about responsibility, both for one's own adult behavior and for helping one's children develop the essential emotional equipment with which to face life.
This is a record of a child, odd and difficult from birth, in the grip of senseless obsessions, controlling the family with rigid rules and prohibitions, tearing through the house as fast and destructive as a tornado, grunting instead of talking, unresponsive to his parents» loving concern, their urging, coaxing, their vain attempts at discipline, their anger and spanking.
Here is the clue to «God - talk» if it is to be Christian; as I have argued in my Love Is the Clue (Forward Movement, 1968) and Life in Christ (Eerdmans, 1972), we have no excuse for perpetuating a picture, or pictures, of God that either make prayer impossible or turn it into an indecent effort to persuade God to be kind to his children.
«We need to prepare our children for the day when we're not there and we do that gradually giving them more and more responsibility as they get older and we do it by talking about them and by spending time with them - putting those boundaries in place.»
Jung's conclusions about an imperfect incarnation requiring a second birth of the divine child are probably no more heterodox than Altizer's talk about kenosis, 18 and no less valuable as contributing to a Christology for the death - of - God theology.
During these times, they talk about their inner feelings and about the practical decisions they can make to help reduce the pressure of Roger's job and allow Karen to use her energies and abilities as the children leave.
Talk to the parents of the children who lived in the Chinese school knife attack that occurred the same day as our school shooting.
Trying to talk to someone as ignorant as you is like teaching quantum physics to a child that doesn't even know what atoms are.
I would suggest that it's due to an awakening to the real pain that promiscuity and abortion entail; others might say that it's actually based in «rights talk,» that young people identify with aborted children (as of this January 22, anyone under the age of thirty could have been aborted) and see abortion as an attack on their siblings and classmates, rather than a matter of women's self «determination.
He enters the crowded lobby with wall to wall people, everyone talking at the same time, various smells of babies and coffee and muffins and perfume, getting bumped here and there because it's not time for the service to start, people still talking and welcoming and trying to hang on to their children as they run for the donuts and other children...»
So the goal is to go with these people who might have training in basic counseling and mental health services and then help them, as part of the mothers clubs or child - friendly spaces, to talk through some of the things that they might be suffering with.
«As first lady, if you get the job, it's going to entail a lot of things, and one of those things is going to be talking to the mothers whose children are coming home in bags, you know, from wars,» Goldberg said.
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