Sentences with phrase «teach your dog the trick first»

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In case you were wondering, the reason you can't teach an old dog new tricks is that first you have to convince the dog that it's worth the effort.
It's normal for your little guy to whine at first but it's better that he acclimates to his den while he's young than when he's an older dog who can't be taught new «tricks».
First teach your dog to sit, then you can and continue with the paw trick.
I trained my first dog in obedience and tricks when I was 11 years old and went on to obedience competitions with my Wire Fox Terrier while teaching other people how to train their dogs.
If this is your first puppy you just brought home or perhaps you're impressed with those cute YouTube videos and finally decided to teach your older Border collie dog few amazing new tricks, then this is the right place to be to get your hands on some of the best border collie training tricks and tips we have to share with all the proud owners of this wonderful breed.
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