Sentences with phrase «teachers conference individually»

Teachers conference individually with students so that they understand their own reading style and can accommodate it within the classroom and at home.

Not exact matches

Confer The most informative assessment occurs when teachers have an opportunity to conference individually with a student.
Teacher - Student Conferences: Each marking period, I meet with students individually to check their journals for completion.
Those include introducing and reviewing software, Internet resources, and other appropriate materials, and making the information available to staff; coordinating computer usage in projects and activities within, across, and between curricula and schools; working with classroom teachers, individually and in grade level teams, to plan, organize and implement the use of technology through such activities as demonstration lessons, team teaching, and joint planning; providing both building - based and district - wide staff development at faculty meetings, district professional development days, and after - school and summer workshops; and keeping abreast of current technologies by attending conferences and workshops on a regular basis.
Although all students receive instruction around the unit goals, they also conference individually with the teacher to insure that instruction is tailored to their own needs.
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