Sentences with phrase «teachout about education reform»

Moe, who has been writing about education reform for more than two decades, argued last year that «The teachers unions are the raw power behind the politics of blocking [education accountability reform].
UFT President Michael Mulgrew isn't worried about Education Reform Now's anti-union, pro-charter campaign.
ALBANY — Between the lines of a Thursday letter from a top Cuomo administration aide to state education leaders about education reform was a plan to overhaul the Board of Regents.
I refer to a recent letter about education reform sent by Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch to Gov. Cuomo's office.
Carol Burris, New York's 2013 High School Principal of the Year, has been talking to Zephyr Teachout about education reform and her potential primary challenge to Cuomo.
New York Education Commissioner John King Jr.'s office is looking at alternative ways to engage with parents about education reforms after canceling a series of forums following a raucous meeting in Poughkeepsie.
New York Sen. John Flanagan, center, with Sens. John DeFrancisco and David Valesky, attend a state Senate Education Committee hearing about education reforms at city hall in Syracuse, N.Y., on October 1, 2013.
«He's serious as a heart attack about education reform,» the ally said.
Diane Ravitch has brought the real facts and a commitment to quality public schools for all back into the debate about education reform.
NG: Every scientist ought to be a citizen two or three days a year and see their two senators and see their House member, as citizens, and legitimately represent their beliefs about science and their beliefs about research investment and their beliefs about education reform.
In this edition of the EdCast, Malone, director of institutional advancement at the Institute for Educational Leadership, discusses the collaborative process of editing a book with diverse authors who have varying opinions about education reform.
When downwardly mobile white, working - class Americans hear us talking about education reform, it's a fair bet they don't think we're talking about them and their children.
«I'm often asked why I spend so much time on this issue,» says Tilson, in a recent post, writing about his education reform obsession.
Unlike fellow eduphilanthropists, Lucas has had little to say publicly about education reform.
Which is exactly how we tend not to think about education reform — and is exactly what engenders fear and loathing in traditional educators, whether because major surgery is just plain scary or because they're worried about their jobs or just because they're not too comfortable with technology themselves.
But it's well past time to start thinking seriously about education reform in the Trump era.
In fact, most of what we know about education reforms currently depends on research methods that fall short of the technical standard used in other fields.
In the end, the country still finds itself divided about education reform.
«If we are serious about education reform, one thing that must be on the table is compensation,» he said.
Just how the two candidates» early schooling informs their assumptions and beliefs about education reform is hard to know, but their stories provide an interesting window through which to view their policy beliefs (see sidebar).
On Monday, December 9, leading education strategist Sir Michael Barber led a discussion for nearly 150 policymakers, researchers, educators, and business leaders at the Harvard Graduate School of Education about the education reform agenda in Massachusetts.
Washington — When Gov. Rudy Perpich of Minnesota talks about education reform, his message has a distinctly different tone than that of most state and national leaders.
Now, here's the second big secret: For all of its promise to bring about education reform early in the term, the Obama administration wants to turn back the clock on accountability...
I've written before about education reform's love for all things new.
After all, they had come to Miami, thanks to Darrell Allison, president of Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina, a Raleigh - based school - reform organization, for a two - day event hosted by Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd), to get advice about education reform, and they didn't want to embarrass the host.
Within the past month, the Arizona Republican has endorsed the Education Equality Project; criticized his Democratic presidential rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, for not doing the same; and written about education reform in a New York City newspaper.
Overwhelmed, dispirited, eager for distraction, I allowed myself to be dragged briefly into a Twitter «debate» about education reform that instantly devolved into familiar rants about who is or is not qualified to set standards or policy, who's funding whom, and who stands to make a buck.
The Singapore experience raises the most fundamental question about any education reform: is it real?
The project aims to influence the national conversation about education reform by making the educational standards set by states more visible — explicitly connecting standards with student work that is characterized by depth, complexity, and imagination.
As a learning facilitator passionate about education reform and revolutionizing education, Oliver believes in providing every student with a real - life, relevant, engaging, and personalized education in which they learn how to learn, develop character and integrity, and get inspired to become lifelong learners and world changers.
Ripley is a TIME contributor who writes about education reform and other topics from Washington
An in - depth article about education reform cites John Hattie's research and argues that good teachers are not born but can be trained.
Ravitch, who served as the Assistant Secretary of Education under President George H.W. Bush, famously about education reform.
But one should be careful in drawing broader conclusions about education reform from The Prize.
Together they have watched the Association of American Educators grow into a viable professional non-union organization for educators and a voice for those who are passionate about education reform.
For the last half - century, just about every education reform — from desegregation to school choice — has taken care to keep city and suburban schools and students separate.
Dr. Glass is known for his Twitter savvy and willingness to have public online debates about education reform.
In my experience Rhee changed the conversation about education reform from one of a very big and gloomy confusion created by the No Child Left Behind Act that all public schools are failing to one about her.
Scathing Purple Musings has a great blog heavy on Florida issues but important for anyone concerned about education reform.
Seattle Education has timely blog posts about Seattle's public school system, and like most of the regional blogs, they provide excellent information for the country about education reform.
Learn the facts about education reform policy and share your knowledge with others.
But, her most significant achievement was that she shifted dialogue in the country about education reform.
We asked each to write and deliver a paper about an education reform that failed, with attention to the lessons learned from that experience.
And that is the real question in the ongoing debate about education reform in Philadelphia: School choice is a fact of life for wealthy, mostly white families in Philadelphia.
The point is — there's a lot of talk about education reform right now.
Bradford says these are the families that may have the most to gain from additional education options and may be the ones most eager to learn more about the education reform movement.
Recently, at a Stand Up event in Sacramento, where Mayor Kevin Johnson and former DC Schools Chief Michelle Rhee spoke about education reform, it was Sirrele Steinfeld that stole the show.
Science educator and activist Anthony Cody had a five - part exchange with the Gates Foundation about education reform on his Education Week blog, Living in Dialogue
«It's all about education reform,» said Dudney, explaining her reason for enrolling in the teacher leadership session.
«There is a lot of talk and speculation about education reform these days,» said CTA President David A. Sanchez.
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