Sentences with phrase «to test for doneness»

Whichever pan you're using, be sure to test for doneness by inserting a toothpick in the middle of the cake.
If you're ever unsure, the meat thermometer is your best friend when testing for doneness.
Traditional ways of testing for doneness doesn't necessarily work.
Do you think the timing for a loaf pan would be about 35 - 40 minutes approx to begin testing for doneness?
(DO not over bake the cakes, start testing for doneness at 20 minutes).
Start testing for doneness at the end of the suggested baking time; you'll probably have to add 5 minutes or so to the total time, to account for the batter being chilled.
Also, while the flavor is wonderful, 30 minutes at 400 degrees was almost too long, so if you are using normal muffin cups, I would recommend cutting the baking time down to about 22 minutes and then testing for doneness, or setting the oven a bit lower.
It tasted wonderful when I was testing it for doneness before adding the vanilla and almond extracts.
This could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, depending on the age of your beans, so test them for doneness after 45 minutes and cook longer as needed.
The old test for doneness of throwing a piece against the wall or ceiling to see if it sticks, really doesn't work.
Two other quick tests for doneness: Wiggle a chicken leg; if it's loose, it's done.
Test for doneness by inserting a toothpick.
It's okay if a fork does not come completely clean when testing for doneness.
The best way to ensure your loaf is baked all the way through is to test for doneness using an instant - read thermometer.
If you're using multiple loaf pans then bake for 15 minutes and begin testing for doneness.
Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to medium - low and cook until tender, about 15 minutes (test for doneness with the tip of a knife or a fork).
This way I can test for doneness to my preference, even after an overnight soak.
Taste the quinoa once its simmering to test for doneness, its best not to overcook.
To test for doneness, uncover the dish, slip a knife into the center, and push the bread aside.
Bake in the preheated oven for 16 - 19 minutes and test for doneness.
Test for doneness.
Other recommended appliances include an immersion blender (a food processor or blender would work too), a stand mixer (though a hand held mixer could work), and preferably a food thermometer to test for doneness.
To test for doneness, use a paring knife to pierce one of the potatoes; steam for a few more minutes if not quite done.
Use a toothpick to test for doneness.
To test for doneness, open one end of the husk and if the masa pulls away from the wrapper, it is done.
:) To test for doneness you could always take a bite and if you want it less gooey in the center bake it a little longer.
Test for doneness by sticking a toothpick into the center of the loaf.
Note: Be sure to insert wooden pick into brownies, not candy bar pieces, when testing for doneness.
Note: Be sure to insert wooden pick into brownie, not marshmallow, when testing for doneness.
I especially appreciated the temperature tip to test for doneness.
Remove from the heat and test for doneness: a candy thermometer should register 220 degrees F and the mixture should coat the back of a spoon.
I used a toothpick to test for doneness, and I had to bake it an extra 7 minutes before a toothpick came out clean.
Put it into the middle rack of the oven and bake for about 12 - 15 minutes, using a toothpick to test for doneness.
To test for doneness, insert a toothpick in the center of the cake.
Test for doneness and repeat at 15 - second intervals until beans are steamed to your liking.
Test for doneness by piercing one potato with a fork.
The test for doneness is to insert a wooden toothpick into a muffin.
To test for doneness, jiggle the pan; there shouldn't be any wobble, or a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Take chicken off grill and let rest (to test for doneness use a meat thermometer to check temperature or use the touch test, which is what I do).
To test for doneness: Cut into the thickest part of a drumstick.
To test for doneness, stick a skewer into the center of head — it should encounter some resistance at the core.
Watch for it to thicken and test for doneness: when the mixture coats the back of the spatula — meaning you can swipe your finger across the spatula and the stripe remains visible — it's done.
Cake Tester Usually a skewer made of wood or bamboo that is inserted into cakes, breads, muffins, and cupcakes to test for doneness.
To test for doneness, squeeze the sides of the onion — they should be soft and easy to pierce with a metal skewer.
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