Sentences with phrase «the home front»

While gasoline is relatively inelastic, a sharp increase in prices can cause quite a stir on the home front.
While we watch the medical developments in West Africa, it's time for you to keep an eye on your own business and home front.
Having employees» spouses attend retreats, of course, also reduces suspicions on the home front.
Of the 31 winners of the 2017 Product of the Year Canada award, 10 are appliances that innovate and modernize on the home front.
(BlackBerry is making gains on the home front, however.)
But it doesn't make any sense when we see something like this and we see what we're going through on the home front
The conditions he faces on the home front are worrying at best.
A proud dual U.S. / Israel citizen, he has served as a volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces» Home Front Command, a specialized division of the Israeli Army dedicated to domestic and international search and rescue.
Industrial design aside, the biggest threat that Google presents to Amazon — at least on the smart home front — is Google Home's voice - recognition capabilities.
Caregivers can use flexible options to make improvements on the home front, as well as the career front, in a number of ways:
The natural, and morally right, fear of losing soldiers in battle has led to the sacrifice of the home front, which is supposed to be defended at all costs.
Canadian house prices may be seen by some as among the most inflated in the world, but observers on the home front don't see problems on the horizon.
When there are more than 200,000 rockets targeting Israel's home front, according to Military Intelligence, the IDF will obviously need more Iron Dome batteries - at least 15.
The US will shortly release hundreds of millions of dollars more for the procurement of more batteries, more interceptor rockets, and more radar systems to track incoming Grad missiles fired against Israel's home front by terrorist organizations in Gaza.
We can't ever hope for peace or to show these people a different way if people keep being selfish like you are being and only thinking of the people on their home front.
«The distinction between the front line and home front has largely been erased as terrorism has become a growing feature of contemporary warfare,» said Brian Michael Jenkins, a senior adviser at the RAND Corp. and the founder of its counterterrorism program.
They may, however, feel less of a sense of personal security than they once did with mom on the home front — but this situation is prevalent within society In general and certainly helps ministers and their families to understand the problems others face.
In recent years reporters have chronicled the «repentant stance» that characterizes such gatherings of men as Promise Keepers, as participants openly regret their acts or omissions as husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.24 At times, however, a failure to respond to environmental damage mirrors omissions on the home front.
Maybe she will share with your congregation how the very first missionary front is the home front, and how the entire world would have been converted by now if parents had just brought up their children at home to love God and love others.
It is becoming obvious in our time that we can not talk about peace on a global scale without recognizing the need for peace on the home front, in the self, in relationship, in community.
Despite the tragic bloodshed, Catholics were able to grow in confidence and respectability, old anti-Catholic myths began to disappear, the lay apostolate was given a boost on the Home Front and the denominations began to work together.
While soldiers were fornicating their way across Europe and women on the home front were in contact with men on the war assembly lines, the number of «Dear John» letters received at the front and in the POW cages constituted a real threat to morale.
Frank Wolf did his chores for Virginia's 10th CD; he didn't get re-elected sixteen times by ignoring the home front.
On the home front, the boys (now men) are involved in physical fitness, finance and music composing and now cooking up their own respective storms in their respective kitchens.
I'll tell you what's up with all this soup, it's spring and its California so all this late winter rain, while great for this dry state, is really messing up a few things on the home front.
Our boys are over in Afghanistan and it is my job to provide spousal assistance if problems arise on the «home front,» whatever their nature may be.
- Nancy Nancy On the Home Front)
Meanwhile, back in Blighty, the home front has come grinding to halt (after Luis Suarez all but sealed England's somewhat inevitable fate over in Rio),...
The exhibition explores how men and women found new ways to dress as the rationing of clothes took hold, revealing what life was really like on the home front in wartime Britain.
But what if your Pre-K-aged child still insists on diapers and your home front has become the Clash of the Commode?
It's in the workplace, on the home front, and everywhere in between.
My girls see me come home from work, do the tasks that need to be completed on the home front, and then sit down to do homework.
On the home front, if you decorate anything like we do, your tasked with going throughout the...
As you know, this make for a lot of fun on the home front.
Encouraged by her success on the home front with hidden nutrition — butternut squash disguised in mac and cheese, for starters — Seinfled decided to write a book about camouflage cooking to help other flummoxed parents.
«This is our neighborhood back yard,» Cathy Schneider, an attorney whose home fronts West River Park, said during public comments.
Now that you've learned how to get your mate to help out on the home front, get advice from other parents about getting your child to pitch in.
He may be a Hollywood hunk in movies like Thor, but he also keeps it real — and real snuggly — on the home front.
When kids throw away food and go hungry because the food is too healthy and unappealing, something needs to be done on the home front.
There's no reason to throw on a happy face and pretend that all is well on the home front, because sometimes it isn't.
Some marriages have gone over the deep end with responsibility and taking care of the home front.
Big changes are coming to the home front as well.
While traditional gender roles and values continue to exist in significant numbers, it is clear that for the majority of Millennial dads, there has been significant movement toward greater gender equality and the need for fathers to find a way to share more equally in caregiving and on the home front.
On the home front, every school district is required to have a wellness committee and wellness committees can control which foods are served in school.
This one hits you on just about every home front and causes you to question even the tiniest decisions.
The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front.
It's time to ask ourselves why, as we've redefined the role of women in the work - place over the past 25 years, we have been much less able to do the same for men on the home front.
For my parents» generation rationing, the British restaurants and Woolton pies symbolised the wartime Home Front.
«Whereas in the quest to sanitize the waterways, government has taken giant steps to start from its home front.
vbhoomes writes «Nobody today knows what the political landscape will be in the fall of 2010, but its safe to say the democrats will be on less fertile soil because they control both ends of Pa. street and have nobody to blame if the things go wrong on the home front or overseas.»
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