Sentences with phrase «the medical cause»

Is he not aware of the medical causes that could lead one to put on too much weight?
Perhaps this would be true if suffering had only medical causes.
Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension; about 90 — 95 % of cases are categorized as «primary hypertension» which means high blood pressure with no obvious underlying medical cause.: ^ -.
If your child is very fussy, has greasy stools that are very foul - smelling, or if he is not gaining weight well, then your pediatrician might be more aggressive in looking for a medical cause for your child's loose stools.
However, a minute percentage of cases that seem to be non-retentive encopresis do have medical causes, such as:
If that's the case, then it's important to bring this up with your child's pediatrician, because there are medical causes for bed wetting, and this is especially likely if the child had been through a period without bedwetting and then starts wetting the bed again.
If you just can't seem to get a handle on the behavior or think there might be a medical cause, take your child to your doctor.
After ruling out possible medical causes of prolonged crying, most doctors recommend simple remedies you can perform at home.
One crucial piece of false information can be blamed for the vast majority of low milk supply issues in the absence of a documented medical cause.
If you tried all of these ideas and nothing seems to be working, talk with your baby's health care provider to be sure there is no medical cause for crying, or call the Warm Line (1-800-711-7011) to talk to a nurse.
If there is no medical cause identified, contact your state's local «Child Find» office and get information on the early intervention program in your area.
(I'm not sure if this has come up already, but not every medical cause of sleep problems can be ruled out at a young age.
If you think your baby has colic, talk with your pediatrician and take your baby in for a checkup to rule out any medical cause for your baby's crying.
I also do want you to rule out any possible underlying medical causes with your pediatrician.
This condition affects up to one third of the lactating mothers and represents the first medical cause for undesired weaning.
Kids who have pain from a serious medical cause don't like to be handled because movement can make the pain worse.
However, other medical causes account for less than 5 % of infants presenting to their doctor with excessive crying.
It is very important to rule out a medical cause for your baby's crying (some medical causes are quite serious), so please see your doctor before assuming that your baby has colic.
Only around 5 % of those babies who see a doctor because of «excessive crying» will have another underlying organic medical cause.
Weaning might be forced at a few weeks or months due to lack of support, misinformation or medical cause.
Your pediatrician can give you guidance and rule out any medical causes.
If you're concerned about your baby, your doctor can do a full exam to rule out a medical cause for why your baby cries and is fussy.
«We hope to also conduct a post-mortem examination on the body so we can get a better medical cause of death so that will assist us in the investigation,» ASP Tetteh added.
«Patients who appear to have certain somatic disorders — illnesses for which there is no detectable medical cause and which physicians may consider to be imagined by the patient — may instead have a genetic propensity to develop a series of real, related illnesses,» says Dr. Coplan, an expert in neuropsychopharmacology.
Even if we accepted the proposition that these drugs are helpful for some people, extrapolating a medical cause from this observation would be akin to saying that shyness is caused by a deficiency of alcohol or that headaches are caused by a lack of codeine.
Because there is no blood test or X-ray that gives solid proof of its existence, some people may have a hard time believing that ADHD is a real disorder, or that there is a medical cause for many of the disorder's symptoms.
they could not find any medical cause.
Toxins are then trapped in the body and nestle between the fat cells • Fat cells clogging up and swelling together • Connective tissue adhesions • Loss of skin elasticity • Genetic predisposition • Liver problems, for example due to alcohol • Poor sleeping patterns • Medical causes or medication
However, pseudogynecomastia is a result of being overweight and does not have any other medical causes, unlike gynecomastia which is often associated with hormonal imbalance or with another medical issue.
Certainly an evaluation by our physician, Catherine Waller MD, may be useful to look for medical causes of depression and also to seek natural ways to boost the neurotransmitters that affect our mood and motivation.
Biochemical or physical signs of hyperandrogenism (high androgens) without another medical cause
If nothing we've mentioned so far seems to ring a bell, but you're seeing changes to your personal «normal,» physically or sexually, it may be best to start considering medical causes — that includes hormone imbalances like low testosterone.
However, pseudogynecomastia is a result of being overweight and does not have any other medical causes, unlike gynecomastia which is often associated -LSB-...]
Go to a doctor and have an exam to see if there is a medical cause that can be eliminated.
High potassium is something you should also have followed up with your medical doctor to ensure there is no underlying medical cause.
The following blog is from Mark J. Kubala, MD, FAANS, FACS, author of «The Execution of Jesus the Christ: The Medical Cause of Our Lord's Death During His Illegal Crucifixion».
According to Dr Oxford «a lot of medical causes of depression can be treated, avoiding the unnecessary use of prescription antidepressants.»
As always, make sure owners understand that strong, unusual or particularly unpleasant odors, as well as itchiness or excessive shedding, may have an underlying medical cause, and such cases should be seen and diagnosed by a veterinary professional.
recommended services from the pet's veterinarian to correct or rule out any medical causes behind the pet's behavior 5.
While periodic bouts of constipation are common among domestic cats, it's possible that dehydration (and some accompanying medical cause) may be involved.
With so little study behind medical causes of behavior change, sometimes we just have to go with our gut and hope we find something.
Because there can be medical causes for aggression in dogs, it is imperative to have a veterinarian assess a dog displaying unusual aggressive behaviors, especially when they appear out of the blue.
If you experience problem behaviors with your cat, the first thing to do is rule out any medical causes.
Also, talk to your vet to rule out possible medical causes for your dog's marking behavior, particularly if it appeared suddenly.
As mentioned above, there are behavioral and medical causes for house soiling.
If your cat is avoiding the litter box, you need to determine why by ruling out medical causes and exploring possible stress and / or litter box environment factors, and then take appropriate corrective action.
Final solution when all else fails, seek advise from your veterinarian to determine a medical cause.
All of these problems can make your pet uncomfortable and limit the way they interact with you and other family members.Treatment is to rule out and treat any medical causes, such as hypothyroidism.
If your veterinarian rules out any possible medical causes for your cat's hair loss, he or she may determine that the problem is caused by Psychogenic Alopecia.
Any medical causes must be treated first, such as urinary tract infections or stones.
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