Sentences with phrase «then awake»

I'd be a zombie by 9.30 pm and tucked up in bed, then awake again at 5 am the next morning.
Frazier pictured Grandma Ruby sleeping on a recliner in front of a television set and then awake, looking into the camera.
When I was in Korea on my Eisenhower Fellowship, even though I had heard about it, I was still stunned to see scores of students sleeping during their formal schooling and then awake late, late at night in their hagwon after school programs where they did their actual learning.
Then I awake to a new day, look out my window at another amazing sunrise... and hear the Voice of the Lord calling,... «Come.»
She nurses for about 10 minutes and is then awake and alert for a while.
Now she is in a vicious cycle of not eating well, then awake to long and then not sleeping long.
Then I awoke to find that the cat box needed changing.
Then I awoke and sure enough, the cat box needed changing.
She snoozed on my couch while my doula and I made our way to pushing... Then she awoke like a superhero and checked the heartbeat and said some encouraging things and joined my hubby in the other room.
Anyways, after he eats at 4PM, I lay him down at 5PM, but then he awakes at 6PM and on and on.
I took Armour for 10 years - then my gynecologist switched me to Synthroid which I also took for 10 years — then I awoke one morning to extreme hives which I endured for 8 months because no dr. thought the hormone could be the cause.
She may also finds that she falls asleep for short periods of time and then awakes.

Not exact matches

They viewed the images while well rested and then they looked at them again after being awake for 24 hours.
If your sleep time is solid then you'll be better equipped to make the most of your awake time.
If the idea of taking the full - time business plunge and giving up your comfy salary and cushy benefits keeps you awake at night biting your nails, then perhaps a part - time business is best.
Oh, by the way, the time after jesus or christ whatever you want to call this preacher that did good for the barbarians who lived 2000 years ago and then abandoned them and left them with what was supposed to be a time of enlightenment and spritual awaking but turned out to be almost as bloodinga time period as the old testament.
So I decided then and there to stay awake and stay by Jesus side for whatever came next, and that no matter what, I would not deny him.
When the government awoke to the situation, there were the usual efforts at «appeasement», hasty feeling about for possible alliances, and then a belated and desperate resistance, which was finally broken.
-- Then there awoke in the heart of the king an anxious thought; who but a king who thinks kingly thoughts would have dreamed of it!
Then the climax came with a newspaper article awaking memories of rampaging hordes of Central Asia.
8:1); «God heard» (Bemidbar 11:1); Then God awoke as one that had slept» (Tehillim 78:65); and there are many other similar attributes to Him of human actions.
STONER»S PRAYER Now I pass out into sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep Grant no other stoner take My weed and bong before I wake Keep me safely in thy sight And grant no crackhead's thrill tonight And in the morning let me awake Breathing scents of wake «n bake God protect me in my dreams and make this better than it seems Grant the time may siwftly fly When myself shall be so high In a green grass weed bed Where I long to rest my head Far away from all these scenes And the smell of bammer smoked by beans Take me back into the land Where the cops never take you out Where the weed won't burn my throat like sand; Where the scent of chronis blows Where the good Mary Jane grows; Take me back and I'll promise then Never to leave BC again... - Anonymous
Then, I don't dream, because I lay awake, thinking about winning the contest.
But then the world awoke on September 11th, when 3000 innocent people were incinerated because 19 Muslim men believed that they were doing the divine work of Allah and that they would be rewarded in paradise.
Then the drunken peasant awoke, looked at his legs, and since by reason of the shoes and stockings he didn't recognize them, he said to the driver, «Drive on, they are not my legs.»
Grandma Em slaps my knee hard, like my own grandmother always did, like she can jar me awake, and then the words she says next are like a bolt from the other side:
And then suddenly I am jerked awake by the snooze alarm.
And one could then also read a meaning certainly not intended by the legend in the following verse: «And Solomon awoke, and behold it was a dream.»
One imagines Father, not yet fully awake, at the early morning Mass reading that and then thinking to himself, «What on earth did I just say?»
I found it useful then, particularly when I was struggling with postnatal depression, as I often awoke with a feeling of hopelessness.
Africanus then departs and Scipio awakes.
«I then closed my eyes for a few minutes, and seemed to be refreshed with sleep; and when I awoke, the first inquiry was, Where is my God?
If this is not prayer — this half - awake yet fully - alive cycle of feeding and being fed, of fussing and fumbling through the dark — then I don't know what prayer is.
So then, how horrible it would be to have to lie alone and wide awake in the alien room with creaks and shadows all around me, and that creepy Jesus hanging over my head.
In infancy our bodies first awake to enjoy the world into which we have been born; then our minds awake to curious questioning and restless desire for knowledge; then our souls awake to a conscious search for life's spiritual meaning and purpose.
Also, I do love a.m. workouts but they usually include running or spinning... I was never much for a.m. TRX workouts... my body is simply not awake then.
But to keep things real on this here website, I'll be honest and admit that I'd rather spend my time sleeping as long as possible, then dedicate my before work awake hours making sure my hair is styled and my eye shadow and lipstick are in place before leaving the house (so I don't scare anyone) rather than waste spend time eating breakfast.
Then there are straight - up chocolate bars with caffeine like Awake Chocolate, which squeezes 101 milligrams of caffeine into a 230 - calorie milk chocolate or caramel bar and can be found everywhere from Barnes & Noble to Shell gas stations.
Then I would reheat one of these not - quite - muffins and sit down to feed the baby while breaking off dense chunks of oat - y, nutty goodness with one hand — and feel suddenly okay about being awake at such a godforsaken hour.
But then extra super caffeinated coffee reached out its hand somewhere near the Louisiana - Mississippi border and welcomed him back to the land of those who actually drive while wide awake.
Then I would go back to bed and wait until everyone in the family was awake to open presents.
«I go in there, he's wide awake, he's bouncing around, and then he starts wiggling his toes.
He wasn't even awake when Jurickson Profar was lost for the season, and then Darvish followed shortly after.
I would have been more confident if this game was an evening kick off instead, purely because our away form this season has been one of best in the league, (so far) and If the lads some how manage to be awake for this one, then we should beat the Utd scum.
arsenal fans would stay awake watching the beautiful passes then all of a sudden they concede a goal (gbam!)
Hey Stubill I stay awake far in Japan sometimes by 5 am to watch matches n then we play like a bunch of kids n after d match Wenger either blames d weather, pitch, D referee, D fans inability to support d team, fatigue n Even d color of the jersey for d teams poor performance..
After 27 hours of straight travel with nothing to eat but crisps and an apple the kind Korean couple on the night train from Milano to Paris gave me, I can think of no better way to ring in the new year than curry and a Suns game... assuming I am still awake by then.
I just keep getting world cup flashbacks, and then I wake from that dream, only to awake from another dream of Santos in our back four, making plans before kick - off to do the classic dinner and a movie with RVP.
Sand then rattled the angle — which appeared to awake San Lorenzo from their slumber.
Then he would go on to sleep and would awake bubbly and cheerful in the mornings instead of cranky and we were happier too.
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