Sentences with phrase «then potential home buyers»

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Then reality hits, as potential buyers start to see staged homes versus original decor.
The goal of home staging then is to improve the home's appearance in the eyes of potential buyers, with the ultimate goal of selling the home more quickly and for the highest possible price.
Then the potential buyer finds out specific problems and fixes for that home, just like the inspector can flag a broken dishwasher or wiring that is not to code.
Home Buyer Power If you have a high income or a potential for a high income due to your line of work, then our Home Buyer Power product may be right for you!
Out of nearly 50,000 licenced real estate registrants in the GTA, instead of choosing 10 random agents, the CBC chose 10 agents that had the most «double ending» transactions (whereby they represented both buyer and seller) and then posed as potential buyers and asked the agents what would be the benefit of buying the home through them versus another agent.
Finally, home owners should consider prepainted siding, which they can then tout to potential buyers.
It would be frustrating to enter into a sales contract with a potential buyer who ultimately can not obtain financing to purchase your home — meaning you have lost time — and potentially money — and then you have to start over.
The goal of home staging then is to improve the home's appearance in the eyes of potential buyers, with the ultimate goal of selling the home more quickly and for the highest possible price.
After looking at many homes and then going back and revisiting their potential properties online, good video walkthroughs will resell the home to the buyers every time they watch it, if the video is done properly.
If disposable personal income growth continues to lag house price appreciation, then potential first - time home buyers may find their ability to buy a home more difficult.
It is near impossible to scrub the public record of your home's history; if your house has a storied history, then savvy potential buyers will know about it — and they may not be eager to inherit that mojo.
When you list your property as «COMING SOON», if a potential buyer sees the signage and convinces you to show your home early, then you have to show the property to ALL people that ask to have an early look.
Conversely, if the home is listed too late in the season then you may miss your potential buyer.
«If it all looks too contrived, potential buyers will resist that and then they won't have the natural feeling we're trying to create where a buyer immediately falls in love with a home and says, «I could live here.»
So if other houses in the market are staged, then you are going to lose out on potential buyers if you opt not to stage your home.
«Potential buyers will look at your home via pictures on the Internet first and then in person.
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