Sentences with phrase «thing race and culture»

It's a Soul Thing Race and culture are not limiting prerequisites for me when seeking a compatible match.

Not exact matches

Another thing that I did not like about this church were their extreme prejudices towards other religions and even races and cultures.
In between the photo dumps and product placements were some of the most honest, considered, and powerful essays I'd ever read, essays about things that really mattered: faith, doubt, feminism, race, mental health, addiction, community, friendship, mindfulness, grace and the unique joys and challenges of raising children in our highly - connected, yet increasingly isolating culture.
The only thing that prevents powerful Godly community from breaking down the barriers between culture, economic class, race and age is our own selfishness.
1989 was the same summer that Spike Lee's race - relations film, DO THE RIGHT THING came out, I had just read Malcolm X's Autobiography for a class, my IVCF chapter was more and more seeking to explore the implications of «multi-ethnicity» for campus ministry, and as a college radio DJ I had been exposed to more of the best rap than most white suburbanites — that is, a number of threads came together for me at that time to allow me to be a right - on - the - sidelines spectator of the rap youth culture phenomenon.
A nature lover, simple, adventurous, friendly to those who deserves to be my friends regardless of age and race, and loves to learn new things, different languages, cultures and traditions around the world..
As the very name of this site suggests, one of the unique things about this website is that it primarily focuses on dating people across different religions, races, cultures, and countries.
If you want to succeed in dating people from different races and cultures, there are a number of things that you should consider.
The most wonderful thing about Jesus» love is that it transcends all language, culture, race, sex and status.
Double Take, Johan Grimonprez's quasi-experimental meditation on (among other things) the Cold War tension of the late fifties, the space race and the culture of commercial television, turns Hitchcock into the main character of an abstract thriller about the director meeting his own double.
Velocity aside, Spielberg's series of racing sequence are as cluttered and disorienting as the Wachowskis» Speed Racer set pieces were linear and clarified, suggesting Spielberg isn't as interested in embodying the totality of pop culture here as he is in picking apart how things managed to get so far out of control.
In combination with some absolutely stellar racing mechanics and car culture love, these things create what is arguably the best simulation racing game ever made.
I remember how my church in Quebec (1985) had a hard time when I became engaged with a white man... they told me we were not from the same culture (referencing at my colour) although I was raised in Quebec since the age of 5 like them, believed in the same thing, had no accent, spoke the same language French, was of mixed race and was the only black kid in the whole school and community.
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