Sentences with phrase «thing trunk»

And Thing Trunk has announced a new game, Book of Demons.
Blog Thing Trunk: Facebook: Twitter:
They scrapped their former brands and together founded Thing Trunk to focus solely on the ambitious Return 2 Games idea.
Konstanty says that ultimately, the zeitgeist pushed Thing Trunk towards making Book of Demons.
Thing Trunk is an independent game development studio and a creative team behind Return 2 Games - a series of unique mid-core games inspired by the golden days of PC gaming.
Thing Trunk is an independent gamedev studio founded by 3 guys, who are known for engineering their games to their fullest: Maciej Biedrzycki (co-founder of Codeminion), Konstanty Kalicki and Filip Starzyński (founders of Twinbottles).
Konstanty says that Thing Trunk was created to help make games for everyone.
Thing Trunk initially had was developed in from its developers houses, with meetings twice a week.
As winner of Best Game from FreeGalaktus, Thing Trunk has won a spot at Indie Prize during Casual Connect Europe.
BEST GAME ART Book of Demons developed by Thing Trunk Algotica — Iteration 1 developed by Alexander Khoroshavin One Day in London developed by Owl studio BUCK developed by Rainfall Entertainment
The development of the game took over 3 years to get to the point where the game currently is, but the marketing and publishing was also turned out to be an extremely tough and challenging task for Thing Trunk, they recently explained it in their blog post:
Thing Trunk was a created for the specific purpose of making the Return 2 Games series.
Although most of our team at Thing Trunk has vast experience in game dev, this was the first Early Access launch for all of... more
For more info and review codes, please contact: Tom Tomaszewski at Thing Trunk: [email protected]
At Thing Trunk we all have a dream, and this dream is the Return 2 Games series.
Today Thing Trunk announced that Book of Demons will launch on Xbox One as a console exclusive.
Having released the final of the three in - game classes, Thing Trunk announced that Book of Demons will be exiting Early Access in the second half of 2018, but not before receiving 8 major feature updates.
Thing Trunk is an independent game development studio based in Warsaw, Poland.
is part of Thing Trunk's Return 2 Games series, which focuses on creating memorable and engaging titles inspired by the early days of PC gaming.
Thing Trunk is a small game development studio based in Warsaw, Poland.
Book of Demons, Thing Trunk's unique deck - building hack & slash, today receives its second and most eagerly anticipated class: the powerful spell - slinging Mage.
Thing Trunk plans to add those features gradually during the Early Access period and release the final version of Book of Demons by the end of 2016.
Biggest fans of the series can support Thing Trunk's future development by purchasing the R2G Supporter's Pack on Steam:
More information about today's update and the details of the roadmap are available on Thing Trunk's development blog:
The regular price of Book of Demons Early Access has been set to $ 19.99, but currently there's a time - limited discount at Thing Trunk's website which allows players to secure their Steam keys for $ 17.99.
To highlight the update, Thing Trunk is running a weeklong 30 % discount on Book of Demons (starting Dec 11, 2017 10:00 am Pacific time), plus a new set of Rogue screenshots was released:
More information about the update is available on the Thing Trunk development blog:
Thing Trunk also offers something for players not really interested in beta testing who would like to support the development of Book of Demons - there's an option to pre-purchase the game for $ 14.99 ($ 5 off retail price) and receive it during the final release once it is fully completed.
To better understand what Thing Trunk is creating and why, it's good to have a bit of historical context.
Book of Demons is Thing Trunk's award - winning, deck - building hack & slash, with unique mechanics and papercraft graphics, that launched on Steam Early Access in July 2016.
Thing Trunk is proud to support Gamenation in their efforts to build a game distribution platform for the future and honored that their game was chosen as the launch title.
Book of Demons is part of Thing Trunk's Return 2 Games series, which focuses on creating memorable and engaging titles inspired by the early days of PC gaming.
«There's no doubt Thing Trunk is off to a great start.»
Obviously, everyone at Thing Trunk is a big fan of SUPERHOT, so this change is permanent and there is no going back to the normal real - time action as seen before.
More information about today's update and the details of the roadmap are available on Thing Trunk's development blog:
Thing Trunk's plan is to build seven games in total, each unique in terms of genre and theme, but all sharing the same vision: to make deeply engaging experiences accessible.
Warsaw, Poland - October 27, 2016 / Starting today, players can download a free demo of Thing Trunk's Book of Demons, the highly rated hack & slash distilled to its purest form.
Warsaw, Poland - November 7, 2017 / Thing Trunk, authors of the acclaimed hack & slash Book of Demons, announced today that their game will be the launch title of the new Ethereum - based game distribution platform by Gamenation.
According to an updated project roadmap, Thing Trunk plans for Book of Demons to exit Early Access before the end of this year.
For those who need an introduction to Book of Demons, Thing Trunk released a new video, titled «Book of Demons explained in 2 minutes».
Today marks the biggest announcement in Thing Trunk's history.
Thing Trunk is an independent developer based in Warsaw, Poland.
Warsaw, Poland - April 24, 2018 / Book of Demons, Thing Trunk's unique deck - building, papercraft hack & slash, is now available in Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, French, Italian, Russian and Brazilian - Portuguese.
Fans of the series can support Thing Trunk's future development by purchasing the R2G Supporter's Pack on Steam:
Thing Trunk launched Book of Demons on Steam Early Access in July 2016 to very positive reviews and has since continued to support the game and its community with multiple updates and bug fixes.
Coming courtesy of developer Thing Trunk is...

Not exact matches

They would return with their trunks full of shopping bags, and tell stories of a magical place where things were affordable, and well made and cool.
Technically, if you have some sort of transformer - like thing that will pop out of the trunk like a hardtop convertible that ratchets solar panels over the car... and provided you are in the sun, that would be enough to generate 20 to 30 miles a day of electricity.
Eventually, they were worried about things like computer processing of data, which back then was basically showing up to a warehouse with a bunch of computer hard drives in your trunk and asking to have the hard drives processed: can the data processing center actually keep copies of that data?
Ms. Trunk is, among other things, the author of the book Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success (honest, I am not making this up!)
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