Sentences with phrase «think about that judgment»

Think about that judgment.
I rejected a moment ago Dodd's view that for Jesus the whole meaning of eschatology was fulfilled in the revelation of the sovereign righteousness of God which was taking place in him; I find it impossible to deny the element of the temporal in Jesus» thought about the judgment and the kingdom.
The fictitious systems make it easier for me to think about judgment and choice, and will make it easier for you to understand what I say.

Not exact matches

You'd think that investors would be among the most cold - blooded and rational consumers of information — after all, fortunes depend on them making bias - free judgments about what they hear on earnings calls — but according to this new research, they are actually highly swayed by one tiny shift in language, just like everyone.
It also means taking responsibility for your own thinking, such as stereotypical, snap judgments and prejudices about how people «should» behave.
I think that applies quite nicely to our ethical judgment about Ray Rice and Des Hague.
The way we think about it is that a lot of it has to do with a combination of depth - of - knowledge plus depth - of - judgment, so it's, «What decisions are you entrusted to make here?»
Forward - thinking companies actively develop the collective literacy and contextual intelligence of the board — cultivating, in particular, a shared set of assumptions about where their industry and markets are going so that they are prepared to make the right risk / reward judgment calls together with management.
At this level you not only are able to critique the texts and doctrines and their relationship to one another, but you are able to make judgments about the whole thought system and belief system altogether.
He senses that it will not satisfy Christians, since it «requires one to suspend judgment about some truth that one thinks one knows, such as that Jesus rose from the dead.»
And when one thinks about it, how could it ever affect a judgment that lies so infinitely beyond its power to change?
I was out for a run today thinking about the term «heretic» and it occurred to me that I obviously don't share the same definition with those that throw it around with a scornful tone of judgment.
Whatever may be believed about divine judgment — and some things need to be believed about it — it can hardly be thought that the God of Jesus inflicts pain maliciously.
If we think of «theory» as the forming of generalizations or synoptic judgments and think of «practice» as requiring judgments about particular cases, then inquiry guided by these three types of questions will always require capacities for doing both.
As I think about stories that are centered on people like Mark Driscoll I have to keep repeating this mantra to myself: gift more grace rather than justify more judgment.
And a lot of these things are happening around us, and somebody is going to get mad at me for saying what I am about to say right now, but I am going to give you my honest opinion: I think we have turned our back on the Scripture and on God Almighty and I think he has allowed judgment to fall upon us.
As I have argued in these pages and elsewhere, the «presumption,» by detaching the just war way of thinking from its proper political context» the right use of sovereign public authority toward the end of tranquillitas ordinis, or peace» tends to invert the structure of classic just war analysis and turn it into a thin casuistry, giving priority consideration to necessarily contingent in bello judgments (proportionality of means, discrimination or noncombatant immunity) over what were always understood to be the prior ad bellum questions («prior» in that, inter alia, we can have a greater degree of moral clarity about them).
While the United States bishops focused on nuclear war, a more general judgment about modern war as inherently unjust had been present in Catholic thought since at least 1870, the year when a group of bishops, in a Postulata addressed to Pope Pius XI and the First Vatican Council, excoriated the expense of «huge standing and conscript armies» and the prospect of «illegal and unjust wars, or rather hideous massacres spreading far and wide.»
«I think if we change that step and really become students of each other's narratives and ask questions about why people perceive certain things in a certain way instead of jumping to judgment, then I think we'll be better equipped to have more diversity in local churches.»
Hi Blake, I don't think the verse is referring to our understanding of the Bible or theology, or that we shouldn't rely on our ability to think or make judgments at all about Scripture.
Then there came the Clinton years, the years when America took something of a holiday from history» and from serious thought about the relation between ideals and realities, moral norms and prudential judgments, in formulating and executing foreign policy.
If my account is fairly accurate, then I think my judgments about how we should act are also well - grounded in basic Christian moral teaching.
Yet Bultmann's view that the Gospels almost wholly reflect the thought of the early church shunts us away from forming a judgment of what Jesus himself thought about the kingdom.
I hadn't spent much time thinking about what it's like for gay kids to overhear their parents talking about gay neighbors with derision and fear, for example, or how narratives about judgment and hell can be processed by kids in some pretty destructive ways.
But I think maybe that's a reference to how love keeps us from fearing one another or fearing God's judgment, not about how love keeps us from fearing death by fiery plane crash.
Oakes appears to think that the American Catholic populace - at - large (including, presumably, him and me) is relieved from having opinions or making judgments about the justness of a particular act of war contemplated by our country because the classical just war theory permits those judgments only to statesmen and generals.
As the minister reflected on his feelings about his brothers suicide, two thoughts kept recurring: our responsibility for one another and God's judgment of how well we fulfill that responsibility.
That is he must think clearly about reality and make judgments on the basis of what he perceives to be real.
We want to make good judgments about how we should live, and we want to learn how to lead lives that really matter, but we don't know how to talk very well or think very well about these things.
People who believe in immortality may think about God's judgment when any death occurs, it's part of the unknown dimension of death that makes us suspenseful, nervous, anxious, fearful.
But though Paul's thinking about the work of Christ is, in my judgment, primarily concerned with Christ's victory over man's demonic enemies, there is a juridical note in it which can not be denied and must not be ignored.
@ex - muslims atheist: The fact that you think A messenger of God is going to punish you on judgment day pretty much sums up how much you know about a religion you say you were a part of.
We think this about the unmarried people we meet — it's an immediate judgment that goes off in my head as I try and evaluate the broken piece, performing a sort of diagnostic test: «Are you employed?
But to wimp out with the «Will jolly, I don't really know for sure because there are all these different views held by different people for different reasons and based on very different levels of judgment and intelligence, so I don't really know what I personally think about anything.»
Natalie is one of those friends and we always spend hours talking about recipes, the food we currently love, our thoughts, dreams, and problems without the fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
So is it feasible for me to think (especially the article you have come up with) you haven't stepped in the stadium enough to judge the fans in here who may be passing judgment on your Welbecks, Walcott and Ramsey's that have seen enough «live» week in week about the frustrations of the player.........
Don't you think making sweeping stereotype - driven judgments about men is the same thing as making those judgments about women, or blacks or gays?
And while I'm sipping that wine to bring me back to sanity (I don't need your judgment), I often think about the differences between what my pre-baby self thought family dinnertimes would be like once I got to that stage of my life, and what they are actually like now that they're here...
Do you think they had to be a lot more secretive and «under the radar» about it to avoid fierce judgment at the time from a much less free society than today's?
As a human being it is sewed into our DNA structure to make mistakes it's just part of who we are you should not worry yourself about the thoughts of other and the judgment they may cast upon you.
Ask any parents what their thoughts are on people bringing sick kids to birthday parties, and they'll share a long list of judgments that simply amount to, «Don't even think about it.»
As an OG mama, I also don't give a rat's ass about what other people think, which is essential when making the decisions that shape your birth story (because there's a lot of judgment going on).
Some of us aren't breastfeeding or bottle - feeding any more (and you thought it was going to last forever) but you're still a part of our community and you're still nourishing and loving your family so we've grown to expand two more communities where we can talk about our highs and lows of that journey in a safe, judgment - free environment.
I finished the ad feeling uneasy and only after thinking about it for a bit did I realize what it was... I'm a breastfeeding mother that feels consistent judgment regarding my choice to feed in public, not necessarily wanting to cover my child while feeding, pumping at work for my «older child» and she's less than 1 yr old, organizing my life / job / childcare to prioritize our nursing relationship... I feel judgment and yet I'm making an effort to do the best for my baby.
Previous trauma (recent or in the past — abuse, accident, etc.) Feeling of anxiety when exposed to situations similar to the trauma Sensations of «being in the trauma» now Nightmares Emotional numbing / detachment psychosis (very rare) * Paranoia Delusions (about baby) Hallucinations Irrational thoughts Impulsivity Refusal to eat Poor judgment Lack decision - making Break with reality Severe insomnia Confusion Higher risk if bipolar disorder in self or family * Requires urgent care.
I think people should be very very careful about reserving judgment.
«But everyone is going to have make their own judgments whether the governor is accurate in his characterizations which seem to change periodically — about hourly, come to think
Arguments were duly put and the judges are now «reserving judgment» — in layman's terms, going away to think about it.
But biologists say we are built to make snap judgments about such landscapes, without conscious thought.
I thought visiting three ophthalmologists as he had done was a little much (one long, unpleasant exam had been more than enough for me), but I reserved judgment about Eric until I heard his full story.
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