Sentences with phrase «think about your educational background»

As you analyze your ideal online learner, think about their educational background and social status.

Not exact matches

The research about two parent households, blacks and whites, with the same educational background, age, and years of employment having similar household incomes was from research by Thomas Sowell in the late 80's — it was cited in one of his books (I think «Ethnic America») and he talks about that research in many of his lectures, some of which are on YouTube.
Over the last three years, faculty from the Harvard Graduate School of Education have brought together 30 national educational leaders from different corners of the field, representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives, with the goal of thinking broadly about what ideas and approaches are likely to lead to a more promising future.
I think my reader was drawn to them because of an intellectual curiosity about different worlds they don't experience every day, regardless of educational level or background.
One little paradox is that the book claims (p. xx) that it will empower people of all ages and educational backgrounds to think critically about science - related issues and make well - balanced decisions about them.
Surely this is what former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson thought when he fibbed on his resume about his educational background.
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