Sentences with phrase «thought flawed methods»

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I have flaws and the lens typically used for me when I criticize, contextualize, or theorize on any scripture is mostly through my own past experiences that shape my methods of thought and reasoning.
But, rather than pointing out the flaws in a particular place to meet women and men, I started to think about «outside the box» methods to meet others.
I think its interesting that you know the debt snow ball method is mathematically flawed, you still chose to adopt it.
ACE thinks that some of HLL's early studies were not conducted as well as they could have been, and that there were problems in some of the write - ups of those studies.262 For example, HLL conducted five studies with the same participant pool, which might have caused the results of some of those studies to be influenced by earlier experimental manipulations.263 Some studies also did not include appropriate control groups, and many studies did not control for desirability bias.264 We think these early studies helped influence animal advocates to see research into animal advocacy methods as possible and desirable, but that their utility is otherwise limited by some of their design flaws.
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