Sentences with phrase «time scholarship option»

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Remember to explore your other options for funding too, such as getting a part - time job or applying to scholarships.
The advocacy also purports to offer a closer look at «public school options» available to students nationwide, including in its count 310,000 students in full - time virtual schools and 190,000 receiving «tuition assistance from tax - credit funded scholarship programs.»
Ravitch, whose scholarship once upon a time landed her on the prestigious Koret Task Force, a group that focuses on education reform options has now, for reasons known only to her, done a 180 practically overnight and become a shill for the teachers unions.
Negron also received praise for expanding the Gardiner Scholarship Program, a program for disabled students passed during former Sen. Andy Gardiner's time as the chamber's president, and for rallying senators «to embrace student - centered education policies that empower parents and expand educational options
Once upon a time, the only RESP option was a socalled scholarship trust, a pooled investment that parents buy into by purchasing units in the trust.
That being said, if you have exhausted all of your other options available through the federal loan program (including Parent PLUS), maximized all your scholarship opportunities, and hit up your network of friends and family for financial support, then it is probably time for you to look at a private education loan.
For parents of students who are about to embark on their college career, July is the time to evaluate their financial aid package, research last - minute scholarship options, and start planning withdrawals from a 529 plan or similar college savings account.
Based on a time horizon of 18 years, I feel confident that with potential scholarships and other financial aid options, we will be able to cover all of the expenses for both of our children to earn a Bachelor degree.
In the process of searching for scholarships, students should spend time with their adviser discussing all of their financial aid options.
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