Sentences with phrase «total consumer credit»

The increase in total consumer credit outstanding partly reflected an expansion in the outstanding amount of... Read More»
The increase in total consumer credit outstanding also reflected an expansion in revolving credit outstanding.
The larger role played by non-revolving credit relative to revolving credit in the growth of total consumer credit outstanding over the month of February is consistent with the trend since July 2010.
May's total consumer credit increase of $ 19.6 billion was a bit less than analysts» consensus forecast of $ 20 billion, Feltmate said.
Total consumer credit rose 5.1 % in the first quarter, compared to a year earlier, or by $ 184 billion, to $ 3.824 trillion (not seasonally adjusted), according to the Federal Reserve.
As Chart 1 illustrates, growth in total consumer credit outstanding since July 2010 has largely reflected a widening of non-revolving credit as opposed to an increase in revolving credit.
The expansion of total consumer credit outstanding partly reflected an increase in the outstanding amount of non-revolving consumer credit.
Total consumer credit is growing faster than personal consumption expenditures, as shown by the upward trajectory of the blue line in the following chart.
However, with the total consumer credit debt reaching $ 12.8 trillion in 2008, sometimes the best debt help is looking yourself in the mirror.
Total consumer credit, excluding mortgages, also increased in December as people borrowed more to pay for school, automobiles and other purchases.
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