Sentences with phrase «toxoplasa gondii»

Undercooked meat can contain bacteria that cause salmonella, listeria or Toxoplasma gondii, which is a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis.
The biggest risk is toxoplasmosis which is an infection you can get from a microscopic parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
L. monocytogenes is the third - deadliest foodborne illness in the United States, behind salmonella (380 deaths per year) and Toxoplasma gondii (330 deaths per year).
The study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that toxoplasmosis — usually a mild or nonsymptomatic infection from a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii — may somehow alter people's brain chemistry to cause long - term behavior problems.
Toxoplasma gondii is best known for the threat it poses to the fetuses of pregnant women exposed to the protozoan's eggs, or oocysts, when cleaning their pets» litter boxes.
A postdoctoral fellow at the University of Padua in Italy, Pernas studies an infectious parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
The Ophiocordyceps fungus turns tropical ants into zombie spore dispensers, for example, and the single - celled protozoan Toxoplasma gondii eliminates a rodent's fear of cats so it can get back into the feline digestive system.
For example, some interesting work has found that, compared with mentally healthy individuals, those with schizophrenia are more likely to carry antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite commonly found in cat feces.
Using mouse models Dr Grainger and his team looked at how and where monocytes are programs in response to toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by a common parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
A team of researchers from the University of Salford, led by Professor Geoff Hide, Professor of Parasitology at the School of Environment & Life Sciences, has worked with researchers from the Universities of Sun Yat - Sen, China and California in a study of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.
This defect is linked to infection by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.
BRAIN BUGS «Fatal Attraction,» by Christof Koch [Consciousness Redux], describes how parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii can affect their hosts» behavior to suit their survival needs.
But the cat - owning women were no more likely to develop brain cancer than their cat - free counterparts, despite their presumably greater risk of exposure to T. gondii, the team reports online today in Biology Letters.
The research has revealed that a receptor called «P2Y2 - R», which picks up the signals to switch on this pump, is blocked when infected by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.
The team found that the Toxoplasma gondii parasite causes the chloride pumping system, which releases chloride irons to produce a surface liquid lining in order to prevent airborne pathogens from being inhaled, not to work.
In two products (6 %) Toxoplasma gondii was found.
Her parasite of choice eventually became Toxoplasma gondii, which is estimated to infect one - third of humans.
T gondii is an important zoonosis with a high disease burden in humans.
Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite inhabiting the brains of an estimated three billion people, could tweak its host's behavior
In the new study, scientists built upon previous discoveries that a safe, non-reproducing vaccine strain of T. gondii could cure mice of several types of solid tumors, and identified which parasite proteins and which immunological pathways are required to break immune tolerance.
In tests in mice, animals that received a single dose of one of the vaccines showed no symptoms following exposure to the real pathogen — Ebola, H1N1 influenza, or Toxoplasma gondii.
An estimated 30 percent of the world's population is chronically infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
Currently, the use of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes to break the immune tolerance of pancreatic tumors is being explored in clinical trials and T. gondii may be similarly useful.
Scientists identified the specific proteins secreted by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii that cause the immune system in mice to attack established ovarian tumors.
Their results demonstrate that specific rhoptry and dense granule effector proteins that T. gondii secretes before and after host cell invasion, respectively, control the development of an effective host antitumor response, and increase the survival of mice with ovarian tumors.
By tracking and understanding which host cell pathways are manipulated by these T. gondii proteins, scientists can identify potential new targets to develop more effective therapies against highly aggressive solid tumors.
Cats are often infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that is passed on to other animals, including humans, via their...
Using a combination of human or specially engineered mouse cells in vitro and in vivo animal models, study senior investigator Judy Lieberman, MD, PhD; study lead investigator Farokh Dotiwala, PhD, with a team lead by the Brazilian parasitologist Ricardo Gazzinelli, DSc, DVM, found that when an immune killer cell, such as a T - cell or natural killer (NK) cell, encounters a cell infected with any of three intracellular parasites (Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii or Leishmania major), it releases three proteins that together kill both the parasite and the infected cell:
A key example is the Toxoplasa gondii parasite that travels from domestic cats, via their feces, into natural irrigation and waste disposal systems and on to marine animals such as sea otters and dolphins.
A Singapore - India collaborative research project between the Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD) and CSIR - National Chemical Laboratories (NCL) completed phenotypic screening of a large collection of potent chemical inhibitors (known as MMV Malaria Box), against pathogenic parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum, causative agents of human toxoplasmosis and malaria.
This is a scanning electron micrograph of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, tissue cyst in brain of an infected mouse.
Stranger still, parasitologist Jaroslav Flegr of Charles University in Prague thinks T. gondii could also be skewing our sex ratios.
Further, altering the T. gondii genome using the CRISPR / Cas9 editing system was curtailed by the Cas9 enzyme's toxicity.
Although the genome - wide CRISPR / Cas9 system works well in T. gondii, an equivalent strategy is still missing for P. falciparum.
They were more likely to show signs T. gondii infection and had higher cholesterol, although it is unclear if the latter has the same consequences in otters as it does in humans.
Snails, a frequent carrier of T. gondii, were more prevalent in the diets of the Big Sur otters, potentially explaining why the disease was more common among country otters.
However, studies of T. gondii have been hampered by scientists» inability to knock down genes quickly and efficiently.
Using this «subdued» CRISPR / Cas9 system, the researchers were able to disrupt each of T. gondii's 8,158 genes and study their individual functions.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 60 million people in the United States are infected with T. gondii.
City wastewater is packed with land - borne pathogens, such as Toxoplasma gondii, the cat - loving, mind - altering parasite that pregnant women try to avoid.
Much of his work investigates assembly of the cytoskeleton and replication of the human pathogen Toxoplasma gondii, which infects an estimated one - quarter of the world population.
While earlier studies showed that mice lose their fear of bobcat urine for a few weeks after infection, Ingram showed that the three most common strains of Toxoplasma gondii make mice less fearful of cats for at least four months.
The researchers sought to explore the link between maternal infection and risk for autism, focusing on five pathogens known collectively as ToRCH agents — Toxoplasma gondii, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 — to which exposure during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and birth defects.
Ingram became interested in the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, after reading about its behavior - altering effects in mice and rats and possible implications for its common host, the domesticated cat, and even humans.
However, there are studies showing that mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorder are more common in people who are carriers of Toxoplasma gondii.
Among the host molecules modulated by T. gondii are microRNAs (miRNAs).
Toxoplasma gondii is the most common parasitic infection worldwide.
T. gondii has the capacity to modulate host signaling cascades and remodel its host cells» transcriptomes and proteomes profoundly.
MiRNAs are transcriptionally regulated by NF - kappaB which is modulated by T. gondii GRA15 [3].
Different T. gondii strains are associated with different virulence degrees and produce different flavors of the disease in the human host.
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