Sentences with phrase «trading price action usually»

Trading price action usually invokes surprise and excitement at the same time.

Not exact matches

Keep It Simple Stupid (K.I.S.S) Since I started following your Price Action trading technique I have learnt that following those secondary tools can only cause me base my action on a tertiary «tools» that usually cause failures in trAction trading technique I have learnt that following those secondary tools can only cause me base my action on a tertiary «tools» that usually cause failures in traction on a tertiary «tools» that usually cause failures in trading.
However, trend lines usually occupy at most a chapter of any price action trading book.
The schemer can get the action going by buying heavily into a stock that trades on low volume, which usually pumps up the price.
Ever notice how the first hour and / or the last two hours of trading usually have the most volume and distance of price action ranged?
The peak in price action is usually earlier than you'd think and the other traders dump their coins as soon as it makes sense to them and they've got enough profit out of the trade.
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