Sentences with phrase «travancore social hierarchy»

Since grinders are at the pinnacle of teen social hierarchy, Soaps have been selling briskly among boys aged 10 to 15.
Cultural entitlements, social hierarchies, greed: Revolutions bring no relief from such assaults on the common good.
Caste was an ancient system of occupational class delineated in Hindu texts that over the years developed into a rigid social hierarchy.
By working in factories and on farms she sought to understand how the oppression of work could be alleviated and the social hierarchy dismantled.
The traditional Hindu caste system was the most perfect form of ascribed ranking: An individual's place in the social hierarchy was fixed at birth and, at least in principle, remained immutable throughout his life (at any rate, in this life» the Hindu idea that social mobility could occur in future incarnations is, alas, beyond the scope of sociology).
By comparison both with it and with other possibilities of social hierarchy, class appears relatively benign.
It continues to shake the foundations of all moral systems invented by men, it relativizes all social hierarchies, and, in the final analysis, it shows up the hollowness of all humanly constructed orders.
«Consequently, the «tribals» felt that they have been dragged into a «foreign» system of social hierarchy which they resent.»
According to MacKinnon, sexuality is «socially organized to require sex inequality for excitement and satisfaction,» or, «to put it another way, perhaps gender must be maintained as a social hierarchy so that men will be able to get erections; or, part of the male interest in keeping women down lies in the fact that it gets men up.»
Local Hindu fundamentalists are using extreme rhetoric about Dalit Christians, who are at the bottom of India's social hierarchy.
Martin imbibed the traditional culture and kept his place in a severe social hierarchy, shuttling between various respectable and well - set - up families, the Schalbes and the Cottas for whom he did baby sitting, and accompanied Heinrich Schalbe's son to school.
Hes all but destroyed the social hierarchy.
So the transference of the label is part of re-establishing the social hierarchy, socially high father role, socially low mother role, parenting high mother role and parenting low father role.
The biggest thing for me to keep in mind is that everyone comes from someplace different in the social hierarchy, and that it is damn difficult to do the «right thing» when you have fewer resources.
Once she hits middle school the social hierarchy intensifies and out of this cliques and mean girls emerge.
It also means questioning many things you hold to be self - evident about verbal and non-verbal communication, social hierarchy, and interpersonal relationships.
To expand on Nicolas Holthaus» excellent comment: in a modern western society, if you're in a position to make your opinions on «populism» widely heard, you're close enough to the top of the social hierarchy that radical social change would be very much against your class interests!
The democratic politics of patronage and the social hierarchies on which it rests are not, of course, unalloyed blessings.
Stuart, would you say democratic republicanism and libertarian socialism have a lot in common and similar goals of abolishing political, economic, and social hierarchies?
As with any new technology however the internet was introduced into a society already marked by economic and social hierarchies.
Not class in the monetary sense but in terms of the British social hierarchy.
Fascism was ultra-conservative; accommodating of Church, monarchy, elites, and other elements of the ancien régime; and mindful of social hierarchy (the classes or orders of the corpus).
The study is also the first to show that the brain's energy metabolism influences the establishment of social hierarchies.
Most studies of mouse social hierarchy have focused on more aggressive behaviors such as how male mice might pick on new cage members, says Helmut Kessels, a neurologist at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience who was not involved with the research.
In the strict social hierarchy of meerkats, a dominant pair all but monopolises breeding.
Now, it seems that children as young as 11 months use size as a cue to interpret social hierarchies.
«Intensification of agriculture and social hierarchies evolve together, study finds.»
Ecologist Tuttle, who has studied bats for more than half a century, reveals their unique intelligence, social hierarchies and necessity for healthy ecosystems.
The crucial connections dictating a mouse's place in the social hierarchy appear to sit in the part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), responsible for emotion and decision - making.
The authors examined a concept known as power distance belief (PDB)-- individual acceptance and expectation of social hierarchy — and its relationship with charitable giving and power, defined as the control one has over valued resources.
As perhaps with any social creature, Fischer points out that higher social competence and the ability to conform to social hierarchies may well stand the cichlids in good stead in later life:
Maintaining social hierarchies and ensuring membership in a group can boost odds of survival.
The intricate social hierarchy of the California condor, an endangered species, is something that could not be studied until recently due to the severe reduction of this population in the wild.
But angelfish are fighters: A school's social hierarchy is determined through combat, with fish using their mouths to wrestle and their tails as clubs.
In humans, social hierarchies exist but they are less pervasive and depend on quickly changing social reference groups, for example, within one's family, or at work, or in a sports team.»
But the road to the top of the social hierarchy is linear and sometimes crowded.
Many species in the animal kingdom compete with each other to form a system of social hierarchy.
We know that packs of wolves form complex social hierarchies, and that this behaviour is likely to have evolved because it is good for the pack, which in turn helps protect its members.
Trump's belief in social hierarchy is suggested by his preoccupation with ratings and racially charged comments, while his rule - breaking nature is evident in his unrestrained Twitter use, he says.
Dogs have personalities, as any loving owner will attest, but GPS trackers are needed to find out if they form complex social hierarchies like wolves
In future, such data may be key to figuring out whether groups of dogs form complex social hierarchies like wild wolves — a hotly debated question in animal psychology.
But in mixed groups of mutated and genetically normal male mice, there was no social hierarchy.
But bonobos also live under a rigid social hierarchy.
However, this latest research focused on a group with a more defined social hierarchy, so it was the rank of the nearby chimps that was of more concern to those grooming, rather than the number of others nearby.
This long - term relationship with the land, the team suggests, fostered notions of land ownership and fueled the kind of stratified social hierarchies of wealthier and poorer peoples that other researchers have uncovered on the continent.
«Our position in social hierarchies strongly influences motivation as well as physical and mental health,» said Thomas Insel, director of the NIMH, in a press statement.
So important is it that for many people, physical and emotional wellbeing are directly connected to their place in the social hierarchy.
While this information could lead to new treatments, it also calls on us to evaluate how we construct social hierarchies — whether in the workplace or school — and their impacts on human well - being.»
Defeats heighten sensitivity to social hierarchies and may exacerbate brain activity related to social anxiety
Using human and animal models, these studies may help explain why position in social hierarchies strongly influences decision - making, motivation, and altruism, as well as physical and mental health.
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