Sentences with phrase «treatment of diabetes»

The latter has been found as particularly good for treatment of diabetes and heart conditions.
Early treatment of diabetes can prevent it from getting worse.
Treatment of diabetes includes the injection of insulin and changes in diet.
If these conditions aren't well - managed, they can raise your rates — which is why proper treatment of diabetes is so important when you're looking for reasonable life insurance rates.
Field safety and efficacy of protamine zinc recombinant human insulin for treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats.
Thus, it is not surprising that the American Diabetes Association, in its clinical practice guidelines (9), stresses the importance of frequent BGM for intensive treatment of diabetes.
The discovery of the role of cannabinoids in the communication between alpha and beta cells gives hope for more effective treatment of diabetes by islet transplantation.
The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression long - term complications in the diabetes control in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Although oral hypoglycemic medications and injected insulin are the mainstay of treatment of diabetes and are effective in controlling high blood sugars, they have side effects such as weight gain, swelling, and liver disease.
«In further studies we want to examine how different combination therapies affect the retinal proteins, in order to achieve a better understanding of the causes and treatment of this diabetes complication,» added Dr. Stefanie Hauck (PROT).
«It would be a breathtaking advance in diabetes treatment if the Anderson / Langer technology could accomplish the translation of this idea into a routine treatment of diabetes,» says Weiss, who was not part of the research team.
«While we still have a lot of work to do in improving the specificity and potency of the harmine and related compounds, we believe these results represent a key step toward more effective future treatment of diabetes
«Stem cells pave the way for new treatment of diabetes
«That would be a major advance, which will accelerate treatment of diabetes
Treatment of diabetes involves lowering blood glucose and the levels of other known risk factors that damage blood vessels.
According to lead researcher Hossein Bahrami, M.D., M.P.H., the message to physicians is clear, «warding off heart failure in African Americans requires aggressive treatment of diabetes and hypertension.
A quote I pulled from a video by Eric Westman, MD, MHS, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University, on LCHS Treatment of Diabetes.
«I have been incensed about the [conventional] medical treatment of diabetes for decades.
«Canine Ketoacidosis is the result of no treatment or ineffective treatment of diabetes.
Insulin injection is the underpinning of almost all successful treatment of diabetes.
Remember, diabetic crises from both too high or too low blood sugar levels can be fatal, so please bring your feline friend into the veterinarian as soon as possible to diagnose and begin treatment of the diabetes.
Researchers attempt to control this disassembly process by developing artificial insulin preparations, in order to optimize clinical treatment of diabetes mellitus.
A distinct approach to develop liposomes useful for treatment of diabetes is under development with Boise State biology professor Denise Wingett.
The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long - term complications in insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus
``... these cuts will disenfranchise a segment of the population and lead to increased non-compliance with their doctor's requests for pathology testing due to the requirement of a co-payment... including: delaying the effective early diagnosis of cancer leading to premature deaths; compromising the effective treatment of diabetes and chronic diseases; and threatening the services of rural pathology» (Dr Michael Harrison RCPA).
«We have also funded our own clinical trial at the University of Guelph to confirm, substantiate and broaden the beneficial properties of cinnamon and bitter melon in the treatment of diabetes, high cholesterol and other related cardiovascular conditions,» the company added.
Further, buckwheat is the richest food source of D - chiro - inositol, which is known for its glucose - lowering effects and benefits for the treatment of diabetes.
Most of the evidence we've seen about pumpkin seeds and prevention or treatment of diabetes has come from animal studies.
Our country has made great progress in the treatment of diabetes but is failing miserably when it comes to prevention.
Diabetes is the largest funder in the UK of research into diabetes to improve the treatment of diabetes and search for a cure.
Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services, and is a pioneer in the treatment of diabetes.
This has implications for bone protection, as well as for the treatment of diabetes - associated collateral bone damage.»
Denmark - based Novo Nordisk, which focuses on diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and other conditions, is actively expanding its R&D base in Beijing.
** DPP4 inhibitors are already used as a drug in the treatment of diabetes in order to prolong the effect of the two endogenous incretins GLP - 1 and GIP.
«DPP4 inhibitors ** are well known from the treatment of diabetes.
The danger of pseudoscience and quackery is very real, says Jeffrey I. Mechanick, an endocrinologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine who has written extensively about the use of dietary supplements in the treatment of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
Screening and treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemia should also be performed, and naturally, liver transplant recipients should abstain from alcohol consumption.»
In their work, Cohen and Brady engineered gut bacteria to produce specific ligands, N - acyl amides, that bind with a specific human receptor, GPR 119, that is known to be involved in the regulation of glucose and appetite, and has previously been a therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
If proven to be effective, this strategy could be included in medical guidelines about the prevention and treatment of diabetes and associated diseases».
«This work validates a new potential target for the treatment of diabetes,» Liu said.
However, in a clinical setting it is very difficult to disentangle these mechanisms which may be very useful to implement a personalized prevention and treatment of diabetes.
«But this work validates IDE as a new target for the treatment of diabetes, and it provides experimental tools that can be used to develop this compound further into potential therapeutic leads.»
One is a relatively unknown company, CyThera, set up less than 2 years ago in San Diego, that claims to have nine embryonic stem cell lines and is currently trying to develop pancreatic islet cells for treatment of diabetes.
The results showed a strong relationship between the amount of weight loss and remission of diabetes, clearly showing that successful ways of reducing weight such as gastric banding should have a high priority in the treatment of diabetes.
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