Sentences with phrase «trend forecaster»

A trend forecaster is a person who predicts and identifies future patterns or popular styles before they become widely known or popular. They use their knowledge and research to forecast what will be popular in various industries such as fashion, technology, and design. Full definition
Mr. Celente is perhaps the most well - known trends forecaster in the world and it's always great to have him on with us.
The underlying concept is the brainchild of trend forecaster Lidewij Edelkoort (also the curator of the show) who, in 1998...
Sales of outdoor living furniture were up 100 % this weekend against the same dates in 2015, with trend forecasters correct in that woven furniture is the best material of the summer.
The top trends forecaster in the world, Gerald Celente, says this is the wildcard that will unleach panic in the markets.
Vintrigue combines leading wine sourcing, wine marketing and sales experts with consumer trend forecasters and brand developers to create a portfolio of wine brands specifically designed with consumers in mind.
Before starting Common Good, Sacha was a stylist and trend forecaster for brands and magazines.
It follows Sloane Jacobsen, a powerful trend forecaster who foresaw the rise of «the swipe» but now has to re-evaluate her previous stance on technology, as she senses an imminent change toward in - person connectivity.
This color has been on trend forecasters» minds for years, and they say we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
I am not a market trend forecaster (I wish I was) and this is not a sponsored post.
While trend forecaster always predicting pastels, flower prints, the revival of brown and in the end I'm always going back to my beloved black.
From last weekend's schedule there were many spectacles that had trend forecasters basically dribbling.
What happens when you throw a dinner party for a hilariously outspoken TV style expert, a renowned celebrity stylist, a red carpet - seasoned actress, a respected fashion journalist, a Condé Nast creative director and a professional trend forecaster to discuss all things fashion?
If you switch out that orange or pink for yellow, says Catherine B. Stein, color trend forecaster and president of THE COLOR COUNCIL, you'll want to create an American country look: upbeat, energized and optimistic.
From a piece by leading trend forecaster Future Laboratory on the travel industry's use of artificial intelligence and geolocation technologies, to a feature exploring the influence of Burning Man and festival culture on lifestyle hospitality, Directions features captivating articles on lifestyle, hospitality, design, and architecture, all illustrated with rich visual content by leading photographers and graphic designers.
London Design Festival 2015: an exhibition by Swedish gardening house Coloni and trend forecaster Studio Aikieu will celebrate the potential of «undesirable» and wild - growing species in towns and cities.
The gains across cryptocurrencies happened as trend forecaster and commentator Gerald Celente said in a new interview with The Street, that he believes that banks are «afraid» of bitcoin.
They even still live, not together, but in tremendous proximity, with unemployed Jesse still occupying the guest house of trend forecaster and newly - published author Celeste.
Chris Martenson, economic researcher, trend forecaster, The Crash Course author, and founder of Peak Prosperity, discusses the eight forms of capital you need to become resilient to crisis, how the financial system scams hapless investors, and why gold will get much more valuable once the next oil crisis hits.
Speakers include emerging food innovators, researchers, trend forecasters, business advisors and investors together with nutrition and industry experts.
On our blog, our trend forecasters bring you fresh photos of the latest fashion trends from Tokyo Fashion Capital every day.
On our blog, our trend forecasters bring you fresh photos of the latest fashion trends from Tokyo Fashion Capital every day.
Finally, Celina Nogueras Cuevas, writer, cultural creator, and trend forecaster, talks about street art and the local scene of entrepreneurs in Puerto Rico, and explains the rise of street art and how the Puerto Rican culture has embraced this by bringing in artists from around the world for commissioned work on buildings.
Emily Segal is an artist, writer, and trend forecaster.
Wallman, a trend forecaster, is confident that experientialism will replace materialism as the new status quo.
For instance, one employer may emphasize that a candidate be «results oriented» while the other may prefer «strategic and trend forecaster
On our blog, our trend forecasters bring you fresh photos of the latest fashion trends from Tokyo Fashion Capital every day.
On our blog, our trend forecasters bring you fresh photos of the latest fashion trends from Tokyo Fashion Capital every day.
Dave Nemeth, trend forecaster and business consultant at Trend Forward, echoes the need for retail developers to rethink how they design and think about retail.
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