Sentences with phrase «troubadour also»

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Chase Worthen, Chloe Kardasopoulos and Aerial Medina also ran for the Troubadour varsity unit.
He is also credited with the grossly under - appreciated role as Town Troubadour in the hit show Gilmore Girls.
Dialing up Arcade Fire, Of Monsters and Men, and The Lumineers (and practically every other contemporary band you can think of that writes rousing, lighter - raising pop hymns), the two - thirds mark of the movie is essentially defined by sequences serving as launch pads for yet another life affirming music moment (the score by Theodore Shapiro also employs the help of autumnal indie pop troubadour Jose Gonzalez to mildly better effect).
What was true of the ancient Greeks who maintained a vast oral tradition of epic poetry through repetition and embellishment, or of medieval troubadours who spread songs across continents, with each new singer making alterations, is also true of content created in digital media.
At times Springsteen has been accused of being a romantic or, even worse, just a liberal; but he's also been celebrated as a visionary, a troubadour whose insights into the struggles of common folk also touch on the larger themes of disenchantment with the American Dream.
Also located within walking distance from a variety of local theaters, one - of - a-kind boutiques and historical areas, The Troubadour draws inspiration from the cultural renaissance that is New Orleans.
These works also speak to the artist's perception of automotive and locomotive industry products as gestural markers and carriers of poetic, political resonances — as figurations emblematic of the Black modernity and futurism inscribed within the epic practices of the road tripping troubadours who created and propagated the soundtrack to Delta's mobile blues culture.
After mastering this class, the troubadour can become a Luminary provided they have also mastered the Dancer and Jester classes.
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