Sentences with phrase «typical clinical signs of»

In addition to the absence of glycosuria, none of the typical clinical signs of diabetes are present in cats with stress - induced hyperglycemia.
The typical clinical signs of heartworm infection are fatigue, coughing, and poor physical condition.
Classically, diarrhea has not been described as a typical clinical sign of pancreatitis.

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Capable of inducing clinical signs of typical acute syndrome in 12 week old kittens, FeSFV has not been isolated from this stock.
A diagnosis of Canine Infectious Hepatitis begins with recognition of typical clinical signs, which include vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice appearance, distended, firm and / or painful abdomen, fever.
Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed by the presence of the typical clinical signs (excess thirst, excess urination, excess appetite, and weight loss), a persistently high level of glucose in the blood, and the presence of glucose in the urine.
A presumptive diagnosis of EGUS can be made on these typical clinical signs and response to therapy.
It is also useful regardless of whether the clinical signs are typical of large - or small - intestine disease.
Though many dogs have no clinical signs of illness other than blindness, some dogs will show signs typical for Cushing's disease (increased thirst, increased urination, weight gain) though they usually test negative for Cushing's disease.
Clinical signs range from subclinical infection, or mild fever and malaise to severe, life - threatening pneumonia; however, most clinically affected dogs have signs that are typical of kennel cough.
Fortunately, by the time spondylosis becomes noticeable in clinical signs, the pet may be considered «retired» from his activities of running around, jumping, and doing the other things typical of a younger animal.
This type of cancer is often suspected based on the typical clinical signs.
Typical clinical signs include some combination of coughing, wheezing, and intermittent respiratory effort or distress.
Typical clinical signs with a history of contact with other cats or dogs would suggest the involvement of ear mites.
Diagnosis is based primarily on typical clinical signs and results of PCR testing is supportive of the diagnosis.
Cat owners should understand, when the clinical signs are typical of parasite infestation, their veterinarian may prescribe broad spectrum deworming medications even if the fecal floatation is negative.
Clinical signs are typical of a cerebellar disorder and include tremors, ataxia, and hypermetria.
The Meowing Vet discusses the typical clinical signs and treatments of this airway disorder and warns pet owners of its potential complications.
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