Sentences with phrase «typical issues not»

Typical issues not covered include, native land claims, environmental hazards and the buyer's rights to change the use of the land or undertake renovations or construction.

Not exact matches

The team looked into what sorts of clearance their vacuum could expect with chairs, couches and coffee tables in the typical home and ultimately decided the extra height wasn't an issue.
The larger socioeconomic issue, however, is that Internet connectivity can not — and should not — be considered a typical service.
And this doesn't just go for the abortion issue, it goes for lots else, just look at the anger and hate in the typical cnn belief blog comments.
But not the typical objections that say, «Church teaching changed on usury, therefore it will change on some other issue I don't like.»
historian, than Mel B. has made the statement: «AA members have always issued disclaimers when discussing God: Typical is, «Our program is spiritual, not religious.»
Catholics have no issue with dictating what kind of health care they think others should and shouldn't be receiving; but its a two way street and they are whining in stereo - typical fashion.
He says the two companies» ability and willingness to talk through any issues or concerns made it easy to work through possible constraints that may not be typical of a regular construction zone.
As you mentioned, the issue of mold growth on filters is a concern, however, we have had NO mold growth with the Demineralization filter from Crane because it isn't your typical spongey filter that can be a breeding ground for all the yuckies that can grow... We love our Crane humidifier in our house, especially the kids because of the different animals (ADORABLES) that they each have in their rooms (mom and dad have the DROP humidifier in our bedroom
If you're experiencing pain that makes you dread feeding your baby or that you describe as excruciating or if you have cracked or bleeding nipples, then this is NOT typical and there is almost always something that can be done to address the issue and to alleviate the pain.
I didn't have medical issues that made breastfeeding harder than typical; I had a cooperative baby (no tongue tie or poor latch or underdeveloped reflexes); I had generous maternity leave (for the U.S. anyway) to get the hang of things; and I had lots of support from lactation consultants, doctors, my husband, and friends.
Not addressed, for instance, is the long - time legislative requirement that schools offer whole milk with each meal - a result of heavy lobbying by dairy interests and a rallying issue for critics, who believe it raises the fat and cholesterol content of the typical school lunch.
There were four boys three and under (3, 2 year old twins, and a four month old), the four - month - old was severe failure to thrive, the twins had developmental delays, and the 3 - year - old had major behavior problems (he had regressed after the baby was born, she had fought not to give in, and he had developed major behavior issues far beyond the typical 3 - year - old issues).
But the mother can't come in may be she's got other children with no child care, may be she has transportation issues the best case scenario is when a mother can come every feeds which we schedule in the NICU so, that the babies don't tire up to every 3 hours but that's, that's usually not typical.
As parents, not only must you deal with all of the typical issues every adult deals with, but you are also expected to keep those issues from affecting your children.
The typical or traditional ways of assessing mental or physical health issues for us are not as accurate anymore.
«You have many issues in a typical home that do not exist in a cell.
This process is not typical for the women - in - science issue, but applies to any field where minorities are involved, be they black people in a white environment or young people in an old one.
Some of these programs, which the paper describes, such as lectures, panel discussions, and workshops addressing «issues of burnout, resilience, and work — life balance,» may not stand out much from the typical activities you would expect on an academic campus.
Don't be afraid to ask about potentially sensitive issues such as typical salaries, work hours, and so on.
In this country, so many people are suffering from insomnia that we don't really consider it as a serious issue anymore — we simply see it as a typical by - product of modern life.
There are absolutely no special restrictions placed on my diet beyond limiting (but not completely restricting) typical junky / processed garbage, avoiding foods that I personally have issues digesting (in my case, dairy), and avoiding foods that I just don't like the taste of (for example, sweet potatoes).
If you have some kind of preexisting health issues, specifically something kidney related, you don't count as a typical «healthy adult» and should obviously check with your doctor first.
Insulin resistance does not cause health issues, rather, health issues typical of poor diet cause insulin resistance.
if the mid-life woman is beautiful in appearance without the typical mid-life issues -(not too many wrinkles and not much weight gain)... she has a much easier time of it.
But Kidd isn't content to allow this to play out as a typical May - December story, and his screenplay has a lot to say about loftier issues such as aging and even the meaning of life.
Lady MacBeth isn't a revenge thriller and certain audience will have an issue when they discover there is no typical protagonist in the story.
Turning to secondary schools, where the increase in pupil numbers is not such an issue, the latest data for 2014/15 suggests that spending will increase by # 840 in a typical school to # 14,400.
Although the task is not extended over the typical length of time of a project, and does not include student - generated questions, it does involve the investigation of an issue through close reading of several diverse texts.
These kinds of issues sound like head - slapping one - offs, but they're not; these kinds of implementation issues are pretty typical, especially given the complexity of federal law.
Safety is a big issue, but parents still want their children to have the extras that typical school budgets do not cover.
At the beginning of the 21st century, according to the Teacher magazine's 10th anniversary issue, «Don't look at the two «education presidents», the dozen or so «education governors», or other typical powers that be to identify the real heroes in education.
The issue with the school is that text to speech is a typical accommodation but school leaders try to say it is not.
Other than routine maintenance there have been few issues, and nothing that would not be typical of any 9 + year old vehicle.
Dim interior lighting isn't optimal, but things appear to be in good shape with none of the issues typical to this platform in sight.
Electric motors can have more torque than a typical diesel truck engine, that is not an issue.
It's not quite a Kindle killer though, thanks to a higher - than - typical list price and some software issues.
The other issue is that if you're using a free CreateSpace ISBN, a bookstore will often see that it links to an Amazon affiliate (CreateSpace is owned by Amazon), and might not order from them for two reasons: they're not able to make money off the books because they don't receive the typical discounts from other wholesale distributors like Lightning Source, and they may view an Amazon affiliate as a competitor.
It not only touches on some typical pre-teen issues kids experience but also there is an underlying mystery slowly unraveling throughout the book.
However, the online options for both the fund is really a pain as either the site does not open up correctly or they have typical issues like Principal Online page does not have many states when selecting the address.
Offbeat Offerings Using Social Media for Investment Issues An investor reference for products that are not your typical offering.
We can't get out of any home these days without AT LEAST 75 photos of issues in need of either repair or maintenance, that way you are more equipped with the knowledge you need to maintain your home and be ready for a smooth home sale when you choose to sell your home and we explain which items are typical, which are not, which are major, minor etc..
Although the rule of thumb is that a company won't go public, and probably can't go public, if a common stock issue can be priced only at or below private business value, once a typical, private company does go public, it ordinarily does so at a price which represents not only a substantial premium over private business value but, more importantly, also represents a meaningful discount, usually based on comparative analysis spread sheets, from anticipated market prices for the new issue.
There are multiple issues that can be hammering someone's credit score that isn't applicable in your typical rapid rescore scenario.
All of this obviously isn't because of the fiat currency but the fact that the typical citizen is far wealtheir than they were 50 years ago under a hard currency implies that the declining currency is not an issue (unless you were super-wealthy and sitting on cash.)
In general with stock ETFs that trade very liquid markets this has historically not been much of an issue, as the creation / redemption mechanism on these types of assets is pretty robust: it's consequences on typical spread is much more important for the average retail investor.
Unlike typical currencies, like the dollar or euro, Bitcoin is not issued from a Central Bank.
It's a typical issue for dogs though they don't want to suffer anymore from it.
Sadly, the issue that Bill is having is typical and not an isolated case.
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