Sentences with phrase «typical programs focus»

Typical programs focus on developing fine motor skills such as pencil grip, hand coordination, and developing motor - muscular memory.

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Several years ago, the company launched the «Kindle Singles» program which focused on selling content that was longer than a typical magazine article but shorter than a book.
However, this is a broad and typical statement, and Representative Harper does not focus his efforts on streamlining student loan programs or the Department of Education overall.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The goal of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of Seeking Safety (SS) in a group format with incarcerated women who were receiving typical prison programming (e.g., educational services, substance abuse relapse prevention, work related skills, and some specialized classes focused on topics such as changing thinking patterns, anger management, or parenting skills).
Although parent management training programs exist in many variations, typical trainings primarily do focus on improving parental discipline techniques and monitoring (Patterson 1982).
Most of these programs focus on combining positive youth development with the prevention of typical problem behaviors such as substance use, precocious intercourse and disruptive or delinquent behavior.
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